
Anna Wintour Goes to 'Laguna Beach'

Jessica · 11/15/05 08:25AM

Last night's season finale of MTV's pseudo-reality drama Laguna Beach featured one of show's main cast members, Lauren (or, like, LC, as everyone calls her), skipping north towards Los Angeles and a totes awesome internship at Teen Vogue. In the preview scene, our young LC is even introduced to whip-brandishing Vogue EIC Anna Wintour. We can only imagine how Anna reacted to LC's permatan and eyeliner enthusiasm.

MTV's Miss Seventeen, Your New Religion

Jessica · 10/18/05 10:30AM

Last night marked the premiere of MTV's latest reality abortion, Miss Seventeen, in which a gaggle of teenaged girltards compete for the approval of Seventeen EIC Atoosa Rubenstein in weekly competitions of character; the winner snags a coveted internship at the legendary girl mag. In short, the summer job you worked your ass off for in college has been reduced to a reality competition for the tween network.