
Adrian Chen · 05/08/13 11:02AM

Lying clown Mike Daisey is premiering his new monologue in Portland. It's called "Journalism."

Mike Daisey's Lying Was Great for His Ticket Prices

Adrian Chen · 07/10/12 04:25PM

We did not expect Mike Daisey to disappear after his non-fiction monologue about Apple was revealed to be full of fabrications, as feverently as we may have wished it. Mike Daisey is a serial liar, but he is a talented, famous liar, which in no way precludes him from participating in American public life and actually makes him a pretty good candidate for political office.

Mike Daisey Finally Gives the Apology He Should Have Given Days Ago

Adrian Chen · 03/26/12 01:20PM

Like a moth emerging from a cocoon, lying monologuist Mike Daisey has reached the final stage of his belabored public apology for making up stuff about Foxconn. Let's trace his dramatic transition from fatuous defiance to full contrition.

How I Was Duped By Mike Daisey's Lies

Adrian Chen · 03/19/12 09:00AM

I can't blame This American Life for falling for disgraced monologuist Mike Daisey's lies because I fell for them, too. I once confronted Daisey with my own doubts about his story, but he gave such a convincing performance that I stupidly dropped the issue.

This American Life Retracts Explosive Foxconn Episode, Says It Was 'Partially Fabricated'

Adrian Chen · 03/16/12 01:29PM

In January, American Public Medial show This American Life aired a powerful episode exposing labor practices at the Foxconn factory in China which make Apple products, based on the monologuist Mike Daisey's work "The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs." The episode detailed Daisey's harrowing trip to Shenzen, where he said he met with workers who made Apple's iPad and iPhone. Now This American Life is retracting it, saying Daisey lied to them and portions of his story were fabricated.

Steve Jobs Playwright Lacerates Stephen Fry Over Brutal Apple Factories

Ryan Tate · 02/02/12 01:51PM

Stephen Fry, the British actor and vocal Apple admirer, defended the company on Twitter against accounts of brutal working conditions in its contract factories. This did not sit well, at all, with Mike Daisey, creator of a critically-acclaimed one-man show about those very factories, and, now, of a blog post in which he says Fry "is being a total idiot" and calls him a "fanboy," "apologist" and "pathetic."

Steve Jobs Off-Broadway Show Rushed To Stage

Ryan Tate · 04/15/10 01:48PM

Playwright Mike Daisey's show about the CEO of Apple wasn't scheduled to hit a stage until next year, but theater world excitement is such that a preview of The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs was moved to next week.

Will Steve Jobs Watch the New Play About Him?

Ryan Tate · 03/03/10 07:08PM

An "elite" monologuist is mounting a play about Apple's CEO. It's titled The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs; it promises to "dive into" the "epic story of a real-life Willy Wonka;" and it opens in Jobs's back yard.

Mike Daisey: Not Failing America

Richard Lawson · 04/21/08 04:10PM

Actor and monologuist Mike Daisey, who has been a rising star in the past few years, has a new show at Joe's Pub called How Theatre Failed America. It failed? Really? It's over?? Well, not exactly. Daisey is really saying that it is failing, that the whole medium is becoming very corporate, increasingly in that last bastion of artistry, regional theatre. There are no more acting companies! Nowadays, New York actors are just shipped in for single runs, then hurry back to the city. For example, the American Repertory Theatre in Harvard Square (that's, um, in Cambridge. Which is, um, across the Charles river from Boston), dissolved most of its famous company in the early aughts. And (in my opinion) has suffered a downfall in quality since. (Carry the company torch, Steppenwolf!) Daisey, as it would happen, recently had a very negative experience at the ART. Not one that necessarily dealt with corporate control of theatre, but rather with lovable old Christian nuts.