Playwright Mike Daisey's show about the CEO of Apple wasn't scheduled to hit a stage until next year, but theater world excitement is such that a preview of The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs was moved to next week.

Daisey will now perform his new monologue April 22 at the Ensemble Studio Theatre, for one night only, nine months before it begins a month-long run much closer to Apple HQ, at the Berkeley Repertory Theatre in California. Ensemble Studio's artistic director, said, "is so excited about Notes Toward The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs... that he ordered up a press release announcing it even though it is a work-in-progress and not ready for review."

Dangerously announcing the debut of something that isn't quite ready for mass delivery? Sounds like Steve Jobs would approve. More seriously, though, it's interesting to see that obsessing over the Apple czar is not just for Apple fanboys and other tech geeks: It's for theater dorks, too, which tells us the celebrity computer executive is imprinting his legacy not only onto America's technology but onto its culture, as well.

As for Daisey, it sounds like the well-regarded playwright will paint as nuanced a picture of Jobs as he did of past subjects like online store and "Great Men of Genius" P.T. Barnum and Nicola Tesla. Daisey writes on his website that he's a bit of a fanboy—"If you cut me, I always bleed six [Apple logo] colors"—and tells the show will examine Apple's reknowned "minimalism, convergence and industrial design." But promotional materials also say his show will look at Apple suppliers in China, "where millions toil in factories to create iPhones and iPods," and Apple's "stubbornness, blindness, willful ignorance and arrogance."

So it's probably for the best the show will debut so far from Jobs' offices in Cupertino, California: As we wrote in our last post, this would be a difficult monologue to deliver with Jobs glaring at you from the front row.

[Photo of Jobs at the Oscars last month via AP]