
Five Alternatives For the New 'Bleep Photo' Revolutionizing TV Censorship

STV · 08/19/08 03:50PM

A momentous trend apparently began last week in the least likely of places: The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, where the hosts introduced a new "Bleep Photo" feature for particularly saucy and immodest guests. The test drive came Aug. 13 when, while interviewing a pair of women about their ambivalence toward binge-drinking, producers cut out of nowhere to a photograph of a cat eating spaghetti. It was a Random TV Moment For the Ages, rivaling David Letterman's greatest for sheer "WTF"-ness and cultural import. The blip has since been parsed in a variety of formats including FishBowl LA, where it was discovered Monday that the cutaway was merely a "Bleep Photo" to override one of the women's descriptions of being "fucked up."The Soup picked it up as well, rendering even Joel McHale's incredulity unusually authentic. Frankly, we're still confused — but that doesn't mean the idea can't work. Follow the jump for Defamer's own customized "Bleep Photos," culled from both our deep in-house archive and the obscure wilds of the Web. We like cats and pasta and everything just fine, but face it: If you know you're good, then you know you can be better.

Absolutely Nobody Returns Mike and Juliet's Calls

Sheila · 07/02/08 11:41AM

The low-budget Morning Show with Mike and Juliet (Julia Allison used to be a frequent guest, if that's any indication) tries so hard to report the news we need. Problem is, no one will return their calls ever! It's pretty bad when even Chuck E. Cheese doesn't think you're important enough to give a statement. They're forced to report failures like this almost daily, as this video demonstrates. (Thanks to Intern Shannon for the clip!)