
Google Mixup Leads to Tax-Time Nightmare for Tiny Airport

Adrian Chen · 04/15/11 05:05PM

It's almost Tax Day, which means everyone is frantically googling the IRS to figure out how to get an extension. But if you search for "IRS" on Google Maps it leads you to a tiny airport in Michigan. This has caused some problems, it turns out.

Guy Busted for Bigamy After Posting Second Wedding Pics to Facebook

Adrian Chen · 03/17/11 07:28PM

34-year-old Richard Leon Barton Jr. never got around to divorcing his first wife in Rhode Island. So when he married a second woman last July in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he probably should have not posted those pictures to Facebook! His first wife became suspicious when he defriended her, so she snooped around and found his "happy wedding photos with the Grand Rapids woman on the pages of Barton's friends and family," according to The Grand Rapids Press.

Michigan's Shockingly Undemocratic 'Financial Martial Law' Bill

Jim Newell · 03/11/11 01:40PM

You hear Tea Party folks and Republicans in Congress complain about the White House's collection of "czars" — appointees with actual departmental jobs who coordinate policy in certain sectors. Supposedly the czar system is an undemocratic way of rewarding cronies and bypassing congressional checks on power. But if that's a problem, and maybe it is, then new Republican Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's bill for appointing "emergency financial managers" to reorganize the state's failing localities should be met with about 100 times more revulsion.

Shoplifting Mom Left Her Baby In Freezing Car

Jeff Neumann · 01/16/11 03:21PM

It's only January, but here's a strong contender for bad parent of the year: A Michigan woman left her 4-month-old baby locked in a car in 21 degree weather for at least 20 minutes — while she was shoplifting.

Mom Drugged Son, Said He Had Cancer, Scammed $7,000

Max Read · 10/01/10 03:35AM

The scam seems to have begun sometime around the time that Schnuphase's husband died. "Shortly thereafter, she fell off the face of the Earth," a neighbor told the Detroit Free Press. Schnuphase reportedly told her son Christopher he had leukemia, and began to update her Facebook account with information about his condition ("Christopher now knows he is dying!" read one such update).

Man's Best Friend Eats His Infected Toe, Saves His Life

Jeff Neumann · 08/04/10 04:53AM

Jerry Douthett wouldn't get his severely infected toe examined. Then one night, after drinking "five or six beers" and "huge margaritas," he passed out and his dog, Kiko, crawled into bed and ate his big toe. It saved Jerry's life.

The Other Oil Spill: Michigan Gets a Taste

Jeff Neumann · 07/29/10 05:03AM

The estimates on the oil spill in southern Michigan's Kalamazoo River are getting worse, with the EPA last night saying there could be one million gallons of oil in the water. And this is not the oil company's first spill.