
Our National Attention Span Reaching Crisis-Level Brevity

Pareene · 06/26/09 11:10AM

Farrah Fawcett, David Carradine, and Ed McMahon all just died. Oh, and Michael Jackson. Oh, and the Governor of South Carolina admitted to cheating on his wife. As did Senator John Ensign. And something about Iran?

The Michael Jackson Saga: The Winners & Losers

cityfile · 06/26/09 09:48AM

Michael Jackson's death sent shockwaves across the globe yesterday. And as you've undoubtedly realized by now, the story will dominate news coverage for a long time to come. (The good news: At least no one is talking about Jon & Kate.) So who will ultimately benefit from Jackson's death and the ensuing media circus? Who won't? A very lengthy roundup of some of the winners (his record label, cable news channels) and losers (Jackson's plastic surgeon, his "personal physicians") after the jump.

Today's Papers Cover the Death of Michael Jackson

The Cajun Boy · 06/26/09 06:14AM

Today will be a big day for newspapers as millions of people who normally wouldn't purchase a newspaper will flock to newsstands to buy a copy to commemorate the passing of an icon. Here's a sampling of today's newspaper covers.

The Death of Michael Jackson: The Day After

cityfile · 06/26/09 05:14AM

• An autopsy is scheduled to be performed on Michael Jackson this morning; just when the results will be back isn't clear. Meanwhile, attention is being focused on the drugs Jackson may have been taking just before he went into cardiac arrest yesterday, a "cocktail" that may have included the powerful narcotic Demerol. [AP, NYP, Sun, TMZ]
• Naturally, Jackson's death has led just about every living celebrity to issue a statement, extend condolences, and/or use otherwise clog up Twitter with some sort of thought on Jackson's passing. [People, Mirror, NYP]
• Jackson was reportedly $500 million in debt when he died. [NYP]
• As for how Jackson's kids are coping with the news, they're supposedly "very upset" but "fine," whatever that means. But no one knows who will take custody of them or if Jackson left behind and instructions. [Sun]
• In the meantime, Jackson's fans have been holding vigils outside the hospital where his body is located, outside the Neverland Ranch, and in front of his childhood home in Gary, Indiana, among other places. [TMZ, TMZ]

Sun Reports Michael Jackson Collapsed After a Demerol Injection

The Cajun Boy · 06/25/09 11:06PM

Rupert Murdoch's Sun coaxed some paramedics and UCLA hospital employees into talking anonymously about Michael Jackson's death today, and according to those sources, Jackson collapsed shortly after an injection of the painkiller Demerol.

ET Claims Victory In Race For Last Photo Of Michael Jackson

The Cajun Boy · 06/25/09 09:06PM

Entertainment Tonight's website published a photo of Michael Jackson being wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher under the headline "Exclusive Last Photo." The photo is now all over the net and was even displayed during CNN's coverage tonight.

Twitter Doesn't Care About Iran Anymore

The Cajun Boy · 06/25/09 08:27PM

Well it's taken almost two weeks, but it looks as though The Week America Died is about to knock "#iranelection" out of the top ten Twitter trending topics.

The Last Megastar

Ryan Tate · 06/25/09 08:12PM

Michael Jackson was a beloved worldwide star for the entire 1980s. Even after his reputation darkened, he remained a global obsession. But underlining his death is a sense we'll see no more stars of that scale and endurance.

Perez Hilton Growing More Vile By the Second

The Cajun Boy · 06/25/09 07:30PM

Today one of the biggest stars in the history of the world died. How did the internet's self-proclaimed "Queen of all Media" respond? By accusing Michael Jackson of faking the whole thing.

Michael Jackson's Epic Music Videos

Ryan Tate · 06/25/09 06:26PM

One of Michael Jackson's most obvious legacies is the singer's impact on the craft of music video production; his videos were elaborate, expensive and phenomenally successful, both in saturating MTV and selling records. Here are 10 of the best.

Michael Jackson Dies at 50

Ryan Tate · 06/25/09 04:48PM

Updated The King of Pop Michael Jackson has passed away, according to TMZ, after suffering cardiac arrest at his Los Angeles home. Paramedics arrived on the scene but were unable to revive him.

It's Never Too Soon to Start Your Jacko-Related PR Campaign

cityfile · 06/25/09 03:53PM

Over the coming days, lots of companies will look to cash in on the death of Michael Jackson. Legacy.com, the "undisputed leader in Web-based memorialization" and the website "where life stories live on," may just go down as the first. It's already set up a guest book where people can "share their thoughts and express their condolences." And it's already sent out a press release pointing out that printed versions of these "guest books" can be ordered as "commemorative keepsakes." The press release is below.

Michael Jackson Dies

cityfile · 06/25/09 01:50PM

Michael Jackson was taken to the hospital this afternoon after going into cardiac arrest. Now TMZ is reporting that Jackson has passed away: "Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back." [TMZ]

Leonardo DiCaprio Just Can't Stop Kicking Supermodels to the Curb

The Cajun Boy · 06/10/09 06:40AM

Leo the Great dumped Bar Refaeli, Britney Spears is banging her agent at William Morris, Miley Cyrus dumped her boyfriend and is after Nick Jonas, Lauren Conrad's new novel will be horrendous, and David Carradine bought lots of sex toys.