
Two Men, One Voice: Eric Holder in Ferguson

Jason Parham · 08/21/14 03:47PM

When rumors swirled in February that Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, planned to resign by the end of the year, it was clear that President Obama might be losing more than just his top justice official. Through six years of Obama's presidency, Holder has been not only a close confidant, but someone to be counted on, someone who has stepped to the plate when the president could not. As Obama has grown into office, he has been decidedly less outspoken on matters of race in America. The attorney general has not. Holder, it's become clear, is Obama's unofficial spokesman.

Six Arrested During "Mostly Quiet" Night of Protests in Ferguson

Aleksander Chan · 08/21/14 09:00AM

The scene was described as largely peaceful in Ferguson, Mo. Wednesday night, as protests demanding justice for the killing of teenager Michael Brown by Darren Wilson continued. "Tonight, the radios were mostly quiet," Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson told CBS News. "There were no Molotov cocktails, no fires, no shootings. Tonight, we deployed no smoke, no tear gas, and no mace."

National Review Explains Ferguson

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/14 03:28PM

Whenever an unarmed young black man is shot dead by the police, white conservatives determined not to feel guilty flock to one news source for their absolution: National Review.

Anonymous Singles Out Member Who Doxed the Wrong Man as Killer "Cop"

Adam Weinstein · 08/20/14 11:00AM

As protest leaders in Ferguson, Missouri, contend with "outside agitators" they say have disrupted their peaceful demonstrations, the hackers in Anonymous have run into a similar problem: An "uncontrollable pest" whose reckless decision last week to accuse an innocent cop of killing Michael Brown embarrassed and marginalized the would-be activist group.

Missouri Governor Deploys National Guard to Ferguson

Aleksander Chan · 08/18/14 07:01AM

After "deliberate, coordinated and intensifying violent acts" in Ferguson, Mo. Sunday night, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has deployed the state's National Guard to the town, which has been embroiled in protests following the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson.

Ferguson Residents Protect Stores from Looters During Police Standoff

Max Read · 08/16/14 02:47AM

Protesters in Ferguson, Mo. stood their ground against both police and looters Friday night, refusing to disperse despite orders and attempting to protect local businesses from what the Washington Post's Wesley Lowery—who took the above photo, of a local resident standing guard—described as "drunk kid" looters.