
Can Blood Transfusions Cure HIV?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/13 02:22PM

Welcome to our science-like weekly feature, "Hey, Science," in which we will have our most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too smart for us to tackle, theoretically speaking. This week, experts address a Gawker reader's wacky theory: Can massive blood transfusions be used to treat AIDS?

Woman With Runny Nose Turns Out to Be Woman With Leaking Brain Fluid

Taylor Berman · 12/03/12 08:28PM

If this doesn't prove that you should always self-diagnose yourself with the worst symptom-matching WebMD diagnosis possible, nothing will. After four months of leaking a grotesque amount of liquid from her nose, which several doctors initially blamed on severe allergies, Aundrea Aragon went to the emergency room where, after testing the fluid, she was diagnosed with a cerebrospinal fluid leak AKA her brain juices were leaking all over her face.

Meet Ashlyn Blocker, the 13-Year-Old Who Can't Feel Any Pain Whatsoever

Jordan Sargent · 11/15/12 11:25PM

Not being able to feel pain sounds like an okay deal. "No hangovers!" you shout, as you crack your sixth beer of the night. But, here's the thing about the human body: We feel pain so that we don't severely injure ourselves. This week, the New York Times Magazine has the story of Ashlyn Blocker, a 13 year old Georgia girl who has "congenital insensitivity to pain," which means exactly that — she feels no pain. Here are just some of the most stomach-churning anecdotes in the piece:

This Guy's Scalp Looks Like the Surface of a Brain

Max Read · 10/18/12 12:36PM

This Brazilian gentleman's scalp, NBC News informs us, is not "neither a funky new look nor a hipster trend" — that is, unless medical conditions that create folds and creases on the surface of your scalp are a hipster trend! (They're not.) The condition is called "cutis verticis gyrata":

Gonorrhea Is Now One Antibiotic Away from Being Untreatable

Cord Jefferson · 08/09/12 06:26PM

Remember when we told you late last year that gonorrhea, an STD that can cause infertility and death, is "possibly becoming untreatable"? Well, now the disease is closer to untreatable than it has been since doctors devised a way to treat it in the first place. We're down to just one antibiotic that can effectively fight the disease, and after that, uhh, umm—have we tried fire?

This Dude's Dented Head Was Fixed With Fat from His Own Stomach

Max Read · 02/29/12 05:58PM

Meet Tim Barter, a 32-year-old British "visual effects director" who sustained a 25-foot fall in 2009 and had the resulting dent in his head with a titanium plate and stomach fat by doctors at Kings College Hospital. (I've got a call in to see if they can turn stomach fat into biceps. I'll let you all know.) On the downside, one side effect is that you end up looking like someone who was on Australian Big Brother. [HuffPo]

Crazed Butt Doctor's Victim Count Rises to 30

Maureen O'Connor · 01/03/12 01:35PM

The investigation into Oneal Ron Morris—the Floridian fake doctor accused of preying on the transgender community and injecting "cement, Fix-a-Flat, mineral oil, and superglue" into patients—has expanded to include "as many as 30" victims, the New York Daily News reports. Victims of "The Duchess" are coming forward from as far away as Indiana, The Miami Herald reports, and the Department of Health is now involved. [NYDN, Miami Herald]

How Much Coffee Is Safe?

Max Read · 12/01/11 06:45PM

"How much coffee is safe?" the BBC wonders, before letting us know that "the advice is much less clear-cut." Psh! We can tell you how much coffee is safe.

Cement-and-Glue Butt Injection 'Doctor' Was a Job Creator

Lauri Apple · 11/25/11 04:06PM

As part of their ongoing investigation into Oneal Ron Morris—the Floridian fake doctor accused of injecting "cement, 'Fix a Flat,' mineral oil and super glue" into people's butts—police have arrested Corey Alexander Eubank, Morris's alleged assistant. Now both are unemployed.

The President Is 'Tobacco Free'

Max Read · 10/31/11 05:48PM

As certified by his physician, President Obama is "tobacco-free," just like an herbal cigarette. He weighs a healthy 181 pounds, is physically active, eats healthy, and "on occasion drinks alcohol in moderation," which makes him a very bad Muslim.

Strawberries Will Protect Your Stomach from Alcohol

Max Read · 10/25/11 11:05PM

For once in its life, science has done something actually useful, and taught us all a valuable lesson: strawberries can help protect your stomach (an essential organ) from alcohol (an essential coping mechanism).