For once in its life, science has done something actually useful, and taught us all a valuable lesson: strawberries can help protect your stomach (an essential organ) from alcohol (an essential coping mechanism).

According to a study done in rats, strawberries have a beneficial effect on the mammalian stomach (this is the kind of stomach you have, unless you are a Reptilian):

The conclusions of the study state that a diet rich in strawberries can have a beneficial effect when it comes to preventing gastric illnesses that are related to the generation of free radicals or other reactive oxygen species. This fruit could slow down the formation of stomach ulcers in humans.

Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach mucous membrane is related to alcohol consumption but can also be caused by viral infections or by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (such as aspirin) or medication used to treat against the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

What does this mean? Well, we're not doctors, but basically it means that as long as you eat strawberries, you can drink as much as you want. Go science!

[Medical Xpress; image via Shutterstock]