
We Remember Why We Liked Chris Matthews

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/10 11:04AM

Here's a clip of Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) on MSNBC last night, explaining how Republicans will cut vague "discretionary spending" to achieve magical savings. Chris Matthews is like "What will you cut? WHAT WILL YOU CUT?" The poor man's apoplectic!

The Most Covered Candidates of 2010

Jim Newell · 11/02/10 12:49PM

The Pew Center has released its tally of the most nationally covered candidates this election season, and guess who's No. 1? Some gal from Delaware who has magical powers. Maybe she used these powers to top this list?

Does Col Allan Have an Australian Escape Plan?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/10 12:17PM

In your backstabby Tuesday media column: Aussie papers want Col Allan back, Daily Beast staffers are pissed at their bosses, Tribune Co is canning its executives, News Corp's paywall is still flickering, and Variety's booting its editor. Hard times.

Jon Stewart and The Media: Let's Not All Get Along

Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/10 10:06AM

Jon Stewart's plot to "Restore Sanity" included a call for the death of the lefty vs. righty shoutfest on cable news. Some in the media felt he blamed the media too much. He didn't. He just blamed the wrong half.