
Ding, Dong, Deborah Solomon Is Gone

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/11 01:39PM

In your finally Friday media column: you won't have Deborah Solomon's Q&A's to scoff at any more, more evidence of Sam Zell's intolerability, Hachette waits on its layoffs, and magazine newsstands are dinosaur-like things.

Egypt No Longer Safe For Journalists

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/11 12:28PM

Over the past day and a half, Egypt has transformed from a thrilling dream story for journalists into a place where being a journalist is seriously hazardous. First the physical attacks; now, the arrests. A quick rundown, below.

John McCain Wants To Be Loved Again

Jim Newell · 02/02/11 03:38PM

John McCain, who loves switching personalities, is trying to reclaim his bipartisan Maverick hero image in the media again, now that he's secured another Senate term. And he'll get it. He always does! It's just too easy for him.

NPR Seeks Candidate for Media's Most Thankless Job

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/11 01:59PM

In your undesirable Wednesday media column: NPR needs another Ellen Weiss, blogs are dead or possibly thriving, the Newsweek-Daily Beast merger is going about as well as expected, and Fox News establishes its priorities.

Leave Our Katie Couric Alone!

Jim Newell · 02/02/11 01:02PM

America's news anchors, most notably Anderson Cooper, are getting beaten up left and right by pro-Mubarak troublemakers today. Here's "America's Girl," Katie Couric, narrowly escaping as the mob circles her. Don't threaten our national lady-mascot, Egypt. Just don't.