NPR Seeks Candidate for Media's Most Thankless Job

In your undesirable Wednesday media column: NPR needs another Ellen Weiss, blogs are dead or possibly thriving, the Newsweek-Daily Beast merger is going about as well as expected, and Fox News establishes its priorities.
- After ignominiously pushing out news chief Ellen Weiss in the wake of the Juan Williams firing, NPR is searching for someone to replace her. If you love journalism and thankless jobs that come with impossible and unchanging levels of political discord and absurd expectations and angry Southern senators and picky comments from Harvard professors who listen to your product daily with an ear towards critiquing it, apply now!
- Blogging is over! So alleges an article that goes on to talk to everyone who owns a blog in New York. What is the takeaway here? There are lots of blogs already, so don't start one. Unless it's really good.
- Fox News chose to cut away from coverage of the ongoing world-changing revolution in Egypt in order to show the press conference for the release of The Daily, the iPad newspaper made by its parent company. In this case, Fox News is no more of a corporate whore than the rest of the networks.
- Day one of the officially merged Newsweek-Daily Beast is today! The Newsweek troops, thrilled at being overrun by weird internet people, are all revved up with enthusiasm. "Morale is nonexistent," one Newsweeker tells Keith Kelly. "Beast management is total amateur hour." Once the Daily Beast strikes back with its own anonymous internecine pissy quotes, everything will be okay over there.
[Photo: AP]