
What We Talk About When We Talk About 9/11

Max Read · 09/11/11 09:00AM

How do talk about 9/11, ten years later? What stories do we tell? What ideas grab us? We made a word cloud of editorials from 15 prominent local and national papers to see what came up.

Media Pioneers Bank on Futuristic 'Book' Technology

Ryan Tate · 09/07/11 05:00PM

Uber nerd website ArsTechnica has one. Amazon is guiding web savvy writers toward them. And now even the electronic newspaper of the future, the Huffington Post, has one. Meet the so-called "book," heir apparent to the future of media.

Website Publishes 'Do Not Publish This Is a Test,' Cruel World Laughs

Maureen O'Connor · 09/07/11 03:37PM

On Saturday, August 27 Forbes writer Brian Capozzi stared furtively into his computer's screen. "This is a test... Do not publish," he typed. He typed it again and again. He typed it until the page was full, and then he set it to "preview," and then— Oh no. Oh fuck. Oh no no no no no no FUCK.

Jon Stewart Shames the Media for Over-Hyping Obama's Speech Conflict

Matt Cherette · 09/06/11 10:46PM

Last week, President Obama announced he'd reveal his plan for job creation before a joint session of Congress at the same time as tomorrow night's Republican presidential debate. John Boehner wasn't happy about this and asked the President to push his speech back a night; a few hours later, Obama acquiesced. No big deal, right? Or as Jon Stewart put it on tonight's Daily Show, "non-crisis averted!"

Judith Miller to Uncover Bombs as Theater Critic

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/11 01:40PM

In your tendentious Tuesday media column: Judith Miller gets a new job, James Murdoch accused of deception, the NYT poaches from the WSJ, Jill Abramson's introductory memo, and organic Thai asparagus journalism.

Five Pieces of Advice For Jill Abramson

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/11 12:16PM

Today is Jill Abramson's first official day as the editor of The New York Times. Congratulations, Jill. We, the faceless Cheeto-eating bloggers of America, lovehate the New York Times as much as you do. Some unwanted advice, below.

Rupert Murdoch Gets a Well-Deserved Huge Bonus

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/11 02:50PM

In your laboring Friday media column: Rupert Murdoch gets his due, rumors of more Washington Post cuts, the Oakland Tribune is dying, a rare August with lots of news, and Matthew Freud may be the last man standing.

We're Starting to Think Newspapers Do Not Have a Bright Future

Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/11 02:12PM

In your pleasant Thursday media column: newspaper ads slide on down, Tavi Gevenson prepares to launch, Tribune Co. is still shameless, a drunk student journalist tells it like it is, and science meets journalism (Hello!).

Scientology's Gaudy New Yorker Spoof

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/11 11:52AM

This morning, Conde Nasties and passersby on 42nd St. were greeted by Scientologists handing out copies of the new issue of their Freedom magazine—which is a spoof of The New Yorker. Stick it to the man, Scientology!

Literal Babies Will Be Reporting on 2012 Campaign

Max Read · 08/30/11 09:54PM

Now that the American journalism establishment has been almost completely replaced by the Twitter account @depressionbook, how will the twenty or so Americans who care about politics receive their news about the presidential campaign? The answer: Babies.