
TV Networks Prepping Steve Jobs's Obituary

Owen Thomas · 01/23/09 04:18PM

Steve Jobs, currently on medical leave as Apple CEO, is not dead, but the major networks are acting as if he were. Producers from CBS and NBC are scheduling interviews for their Jobs obituaries.

The Times Bails on Renzo, Tribune Co. Unloads the Cubs

cityfile · 01/23/09 11:21AM

• Dark days at the Times: The newspaper's in "advanced discussions" to sell a "substantial portion" of its Renzo Piano-designed headquarters. [NYT]
• Disney is merging its ABC TV network with ABC Studios. [WSJ]
• WNET-Thirteen is cutting budgets and laying off staff. [NYO]
In Style publisher Lynette Harrison Brubaker is leaving the company. [WWD]
Katie Couric will go primetime next Wednesday. [NYT]
• The final inauguration ratings are in. [AdAge]
• Is Condé Nast just publishing the same story in its various magazines? [FB]
• The Tribune Co. has sold off the Cubs for $900 million. [Chicago Trib]

America's Most Famous Co-Pilot Speaks

Hamilton Nolan · 01/23/09 09:20AM

Hero co-pilot of the Hudson Jeff Skiles, who was right there in the cockpit when Primary Hero Chesley Sullenberger landed that plane in the river, is finally breaking his silence! He's in the tank.

Caroline Kennedy Failure Theories Explained

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/09 05:42PM

Thus far there are five major competing theories as to why Caroline Kennedy pulled out of the Senate race so suddenly and mysteriously. We list them, and give exact statistical odds, below:

Anderson Cooper Totally Incoherent After Inauguration

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/09 04:50PM

Wow, the intoxication fatigue of the inauguration really wears reporters down to babbling idiots. Witness this wacky error reel from a single episode of Anderson Cooper's show yesterday! Amazing. Red Bull gives you wings, AC.

Was It Something We Said?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/09 04:09PM

Well now, the "Why did Caroline Kennedy Drop Out?" parlor game grows ever more interesting! The latest reasons being floated: nanny issues, tax issues, and all the dang gossip on this very website:

Fox News' Brave Look Forward

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/09 03:33PM

What will the Obama years mean for Fox News? Plenty of MSNBC bashing; Rush Limbaugh martyrdom; and conservative think tank hacks complimenting conservative media hacks. This video compilation foreshadows four years of fairness and balance.