Well now, the "Why did Caroline Kennedy Drop Out?" parlor game grows ever more interesting! The latest reasons being floated: nanny issues, tax issues, and all the dang gossip on this very website:

Just hours ago, the word was the Caroline Kennedy dropped out because of some secret, undisclosed "personal" reason. Now the Post cites an anonymous source "close to Gov. David Paterson" as saying the gov "had no intention" of picking CK, anyhow.

"She has a tax problem that came up in the vetting and a potential nanny issue," the soruce said. "And reporters are starting to look at her marriage more closely," the soruce continued, refusing to provide any specifics.

Gossip columns have reported for more than a year that Kennedy's marriage to Ed Schlossberg is essentially over, and the gossip site Gawker.com has reported rumors that she's been linked to New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger.

Kennedy denied any issue over her marriage in an interview with The Post last month. Aides to Kennedy and a Times spokesperson couldn't immediately be reached.

The Times is currently going with the nanny and the tax issues as the true reason for CK's downfall. They leave out the other part. Close enough.

It's not like we hadn't given Caroline Kennedy plenty of warnings with our raving coverage:

The only thing we can't figure out is that politicians normally take their name out of contention to prevent skeletons from tumbling out of the closet (see: Bill Richardson), not to cause an avalanche of rumors and speculation.