
Octo-Grandma Gossip-Laundering

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 02:32PM

In your temperate Monday media column: How ABC landed the octuplet-grandma "scoop," yet another plan to save the NYT, journalism lives(?), and a magazine dies (no question):

Magazine Sales Fall, The Times's Survival Strategy

cityfile · 02/09/09 12:46PM

• Magazine newsstand sales tumbled during the second half of 2008. [NYT]
• The Grammys were seen by an estimated 19.1 million people last night. [AP]
• The Times reports on the Times's recent troubles, conveniently concluding the paper's "positioned itself well to ride out another year of recession." [NYT]
Steve Brill has a few thoughts on how the Times can save itself. [Poynter]
• Not surprisingly, SI is milking every last dollar out if its swimsuit issue. [WSJ]
• Following the news last week that Universal and DreamWorks were parting ways, Disney announced today it would distribute DreamWorks's films. [THR]
Jim Cramer's ratings are up; his stock picks are as lousy as ever. [Barron's]
• A Queens hairstylist is suing the Daily News after the paper accidentally identified her as "Manhattan Madam" Kristin Davis. Twice. [Regret the Error]

Rich Losers Giving Houses to Wives: Retroactive Trend

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 10:46AM

Another day, another reason for the simmering rage of the proletariat to explode in revolutionary anger against the rich! Even more rich, rich Wall Street bastards have pulled shady real estate stunts. The rage; it burns!

Newsweek (Hopes) To Become The Economist

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 10:07AM

Newsweek, which traditionally (dentist's office joke), has for the first time ever correctly identified an overarching trend in American society and formulated a reasonable response, unaccompanied by any special "The Historical Jesus" stories!

TV Guide Provokes Cry of 'Criminy'

Hamilton Nolan · 02/06/09 03:03PM

In your finally Friday media column: TV Guide wants ads on its cover, Journalism students wake up, Twitter has awards, and old folks will soon be (more) confused: