Isn't it a hoot—an ironic hoot—that Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs has a combatative relationship with the press, even though as we all know the press are all liberals who worship Obama? This is what Gibbs said about the cable news, today:

But I mean, you know, I think David talked to you about where the public is on this and I think it's illuminating because it may not necessarily be where cable television is on all of this. But, you know, we're sort of used to that. We lost on cable television virtually every day last year. So, you know, there's a conventional wisdom to what's going on in America via Washington, and there's the reality of what's happening in America.

Hah. That's almost true! Sure, everyone loves Obama sooo much and Chris Matthews weeps with joy when he thinks about him, but on a day-to-day basis, the entire campaign, from the primaries up until, say, the financial crisis, was a series of brilliant maneuvers by wiley veterans Hillary Clinton and John McCain that would finally kneecap that untested pretty boy.

Of course the Obama campaign's longterm game plan doesn't really translate to an effective press management system for a president. So Robert Gibbs is now running an uncooperative press office and Obama is once again "losing" every day, on cable.

But the sole job of the White House Press Secretary is actually just to be a punching bag for grandstanding pricks. Senior White House correspondents' job is to get really kickass questions on the air on your evening news.

So on that front, Gibbs is doing fine. Because good journalism is about asking "tough questions" of official spokespeople, especially questions that you know you won't get an answer to, and then you get to host Meet the Press because you're so good at formulating really tough questions, and that is how you know that our press is working just fine, thank you.

(Of course in the press' defense, Gibbs went on to say "we'll get to measure whose questions were better over the course of the day — the voters of Elkhart or the reporters of Washington." And, honestly, those questions from the voters were not actually very good.)