
Time Inc's Pre-Thanksgiving Layoffs

Hamilton Nolan · 11/24/09 01:18PM

In your trepidatious Tuesday media column: we hear the Time Inc. layoffs hit Fortune (and others?) today, BusinessWeek speaks robot language, Dave Eggers will not stop saving print, and a horrible massacre of journalists in the Philippines.

German Newspaper Feud Gets Penis-y

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/09 01:32PM

In your ferocious Friday media column: Newspaper wars in Germany are of another breed, another high school paper censored for dumb reasons, more on the BusinessWeek layoffs, and George Stephanopoulos' fluff chops questioned.

Ken Auletta Is Not Funny

Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/09 02:39PM

In our meritorious Monday media column: Judd Apatow questions Ken Auletta's wit, a reporter tries to pretend he is not a vicious murderer, Americans are cheap bastards when it comes to news, and all you need to know about Playboy.

Hearst Is Amazingly Not Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/09 02:52PM

In your woebegone Wednesday media column: Hearst gets money, layoffs at Current TV, Conde Nast gets internet religion, and Sesame Street characters are the swing votes in Fox News' war for righteousness.

Computer Zombies Pity Television Zombies

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/09 02:07PM

In your typical Tuesday media column: Americans are zombie slaves to various screens, journalists will compromise for money like everyone else in the world, Indymedia tells the Justice Department to fuck off, and your comically mean reporter of the day.

Glenn Beck Survives

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/09 01:45PM

In your thumping Thursday media column: Glenn Beck does not die on the operating table, more rumor-details on the Essence layoffs, Fortune and SI get hacked, and a dying newspaper goes glossy, for unknown reasons.

Time Inc. Layoffs Hit People, Essence

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/09 02:03PM

In your completely laid-off Wednesday media column: details on more Time Inc. layoffs and buyouts at People and Essence, Fortune Small Business folds, and various ways that magazine publishers are terrorists.