
Media Bubble: 'Family Values' Mullahs Issue New Fatwa

Jesse · 10/20/05 02:03PM

• Parents Television Council names list of best and worst shows for "families"; Gawker names PTC to list of worst bullshit "family values" advocacy groups. [NYDN]
• Judy Miller testifies before Congress in favor of shield law, several months too late. [NYT]
Esquire-food-critic-gate continues: The Houston visitor's bureau paid to fly him down to sample four eateries, which comped his meals. Because, you know, Hearst doesn't have much cash to throw around. [Houston Press, second item]
• Dow Jones had a bad quarter, too — but still not as bad as the Times did. [WSJ]
• This just in: Elizabeth Spiers sells book, to leave Mediabistro. [FishbowlNY]

Media Bubble: We Like the Island Manhattan, Smoke on Your Pipe and Put That In

Jesse · 10/18/05 01:50PM

• At Puerto Rican confab, ASME updated its church-and-state guidelines on advertising. We're sure the one man in America who can't tell New Yorker content from a Target ad — and who happens to have a column in the Chicago Sun-Times — is still unhappy. [Folio:]
• And what's a media yakfest without a panel appearance by our slutty sister? She's in Puerto Rico, natch, this time commenting on Millerpalooza: "As I've said before, it's OK to be in bed with your source, but then you have to fuck him." [WWD]
• Now that his News Corporation is a U.S. company, Rupert Murdoch will stand for election to its board of directors for the first time ever. We bet he wins — but, then again, we also said that about Al Gore. [Bloomberg]
• What do editor's-letter photos really mean? An exegesis on why Janice Min shows leg, David Granger crops his head, and Graydon Carter is smirking. [Radar]
• Paul McLeary doesn't like cliches. [CJR Daily]

Media Bubble: Also, Things Unrelated to Judy Miller Happened Over the Weekend

Jesse · 10/17/05 03:19PM

People is Ad Age's magazine of the year, and Wired's Chris Anderson is editor of the year. [NYP]
• Post-Koppel Nightline will feature multiple stories nightly, and three anchors, Martir Bashir, Terry Moran, and Cynthia McFadden. Only Moran will stay in Koppel's home base of Washington; Moran and McFadden will report from ABC's Times Square studios. We can't wait for the wacky fans-on-the-sidewalks antics. [ABC News]
• But, even without Koppel — and Brokaw, and Rather, and Jennings — Jim Lehrer doesn't think the age of the anchorman will ever end. [Baltimore Sun]
• Having gone behind the scene at a SportsCenter-like TV show and a Clinton-like White House, West Wing creator and noted druggie Aaron Sorkin has a deal with NBC for Studio 7, behind the scenes of an SNL-like comedy show. [LAT]
• Is Katie Couric considering a move to late night? That's what she might have told some dentists. [B&C]
• Potentially sexy men don't want to be on People's sexiest-men list. [Radar]
• Think your boss is invasive? Channel 7's Eyewitness News crews now have their every move GPS-monitored by the company. [NYM]

Media Bubble: Judy Miller Grows Nostalgic for Prison

Jesse · 10/14/05 02:19PM

• The Times's silence on Judy Miller has become absurd. [CJR]
• Even public editor Barney Calame doesn't understand why the silence continues. Which might just put an end to it — after all, this is the man who ultimately got Geraldo his correction. []
• But the Times's op-ed columnists, at least, all have excellent reasons why they haven't written about Miller Time. [E&P]
• Beyonce is too black for the cover of Vanity Fair. Of course, so are we. [Radar]
Men's Health spinoff Best Life ups frequency, rate base. Which is what you get from worshipping at the altar of your readers. [Mediaweek]
• Former Time Warner chief Gerald Levin helps open super-high-end spa in Santa Monica. Next month, he'll merge it with and ruin the company. [LAT]
• Mag bigshots should — of all things — take Jon Stewart seriously. [MarketWatch]

Media Bubble: Senior Skip Day For the Media Elite

Pareene · 10/13/05 04:31PM

• Headline of the day: 'The Fiat heir, the transsexual and a sordid backstreet drugs overdose' [Times of London]
• Close second: 'Fox Ends Paris' "Life"' [Yahoo]
• Because she's off today, we will be linking to this mp3 of Jay Rosen interrupting Jessica Coen. [Media Center]
• "You know your kidnapping is probably going to turn out alright when your abductors give you souvenir baseball caps to take home." [Romenesko]
• There really was no media news today, on account of all of New York atoning. [DailyTransom]

Media Bubble: Judy Miller Can't Stop Talking

Jesse · 10/12/05 04:10PM

• Now could someone please make Judy Miller stop testifying? [E&P]
• And maybe make her write something for her newspaper about what's going on? [NYO]
• Anderson Cooper book is officially sold; Harper will pay $1M for a memoir to "deal with the last year of [Cooper's] life as a journalist and human being in Sri Lanka, Africa, Iraq and Louisiana/Mississippi." Naturally, we can't wait to read about Coop's life as a human being. [Book Standard]
• Erstwhile New Yorker (and presumed ongoing porn aficionado) Joel Stein nabs op-ed column in L.A. Times. [L.A. Observed]
• At Harvard, Kennedys and friends, remember John-John and George. [NYDN]
• Breaking news from Public Eye! Local news gives viewers what they want; so does network news, to a much lesser degree. [Public Eye]
Esquire food critic may have sent a Chicago restaurant a four-page list of demands before he'd deign to eat there. Or maybe he didn't. [CS-T]
• AOL survey says half of all bloggers consider it a form of therapy. Which we're thrilled to hear, as we gave up the shrink when we took this insurance-free gig. [WP]

Media Bubble: Special 'Death of Newspapers' Edition

Pareene · 10/11/05 04:44PM

• Gannett's profits have "slumped." To blame: newsprint, lack of political ads, oppressively high reading level of USA Today. [Yahoo]
• Newspaper readership is down! Again! And average reader age is up! Again! [Strib]
• Is Yahoo Public Enemy No. 1 For Big Media? [MediaChannel]
• Related: Will Google Kill News Media? [PC World]
• Jack Shafer on how no possible good can come of this Plame business. [Slate]
• That Freilich — what a card! [Romenesko Letters]

Media Bubble: She Watch Al-Jazeera?!

Pareene · 10/10/05 04:30PM

• David Frost, already on on shaky ground for general smarminess, will probably find that his new gig at Al-Jazeera will cut short any trips to the US he may have planned. [WaPo]
• Bill Keller makes fun of Fox News, Yahoo, and the Saturday Wall Street Journal. When asked about Judy Miller, he covered his ears, chanted loudly. There is an admission that the paper is preventing its reporters from writing in-depth about the story, which comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. [BusinessWeek]
• Did you know that there was a "bitter East Hampton newspaper war" going on? Right now, even? [NYM]
• The Times gets in on the advertorial action with a free movie magazine to be handed out and promptly thrown out at a movie theater near you. AdRants]
• We're guessing Time's beatific Hemingway-impersonator covers don't sell quite as well as the annual Jesus issue. [MediaMob]


Pareene · 10/07/05 05:00PM

• Did Jon Stewart kill magazines? Would anyone notice? If he didn't, would he consider killing Vogue, please? [Folio]
• Did Rick Kaplan get fired today or what? We stopped paying attention around noon or so. [Jossip]
• Does Rush Limbaugh call Daryn Kagan his "mistress in Georgia?" Yes. Eeeewww. [MMfA]
• Does every journalist in the country just envy Judy? Fuck yeah, they do — she's rich, bitch! [Times-Herald]
• Finally: Katie Couric gets a mammogram — watch free. There would've been a screengrab posted earlier, but the segment destroyed the Gawker Media television. [Today Show]

Media Bubble: Clean Out Your Desks Edition

Pareene · 10/06/05 03:40PM

• Pretty much everyone who works for a newspaper has been or is about to be fired. This is the story of 500 of them. [E&P]
• While Nick and Jessica fall apart, hope springs eternal for lovebirds New Times and Village Voice Media — get a room, you two! [LACityBeat]
• Congratulations once again to Jason Calacanis, for selling out to his third choice. If you can't be with the one you love, and all that. [FishbowlNY]
• There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and George Clooney. [WaPo]

Media Bubble: New 'Observer,', Judy Miller... Anything Else Interesting Happen Today?

Pareene · 10/05/05 05:15PM

• Screw TomKat, Lohan, and Jessica Simpson — Judy Miller is America's Sweetheart, and she continues to be the recipient of all of the media's ink whilst spilling none of it herself. [NYO]
• You know what "Nightline" is missing? Idiots with cardboard signs outside the studio. Thankfully, once Koppel's outta there, that's what it'll be getting. [NYO]
• Recipe for a totally fun night: Invite the Nation of Islam to a screening of your movie debunking the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [NYO]
• When it comes to terror attacks, always — always — differentiate between a "plotter" and an "applauder." [Northwestern]
• Jay Rosen doesn't care about the Times anymore (does he miss Circuits too?). We also hear he's a spitter. [PressThink]

Media Bubble: Cheap Shot At Wolf Blitzer Edition

Pareene · 10/04/05 03:48PM

• "Another decade, another lengthy Harper's state of the novel essay." [Media Mob]
• You'd better shatch up that DVD collection of every New Yorker issue ever while you still can, because someone might be having an electronic rights problem down the line. [Boston Globe]
• And speaking of The New Yorker, Ken Auletta's piece is all about how when a national chain owns your newspaper, you totally don't have to feel obligated to try very hard anymore. [E&P]
• Wolf Blitzer insists his name is real. His integrity, not so much. [Post-Gazette]

Media Bubble: Judy Is a Punk

Pareene · 10/03/05 04:30PM

• The Chinese Metrosexual is a coveted demographic, and Chinese Vogue seems to have a much brighter future than our own capitalist Men's Vogue [NYT]
• It's hard to pick just one journalist suddenly pissed at Judy Miller for one reason or another. But we've done it anyway. [CJR]
• While we're on the subject, why not torture her? [Dissident Voice]
• And she may have a $1.2 Million book deal. Which, once optioned, will surely be a late-night Cinemax favorite. [HuffPo]

Media Bubble: Uncle Walter Also Thinks You Kids Should Stop With All That Damned Rock 'n' Roll

Jesse · 09/30/05 11:45AM

• Walter Cronkite thinks CBS should keep one-anchor format. Also, he thinks the Evening News should keep its commercials for Depends, Just for Men, and Metamucil. [LAT]
• Sexy Jon Fine digs Vice. [BW]
• And less-sexy Jon Friedman digs Frank Rich. [MW]
• Upcoming NYT Mag poll of New Yorkers finds a quarter of Republicans would never fuck a Democrat. Unfortunately, those running the country come from the other 75 percent, and are happy to fuck us all. [E&P
• Peter Jennings left $50 million estate. For the record, our annual salary was under $25k when we worked for ABC News. [NYDN]
• The average U.S. household watched 8 hours and 11 minutes of TV per day in 2004-05, setting a record. USA! USA! [Reuters]

Media Bubble: Who Is This Nice Columnist, and What Have You Done With Our Usual Nikki Finke?

Jesse · 09/29/05 12:42PM

• Nikki Finke profiles new LAT opinions editor Andres Martinez, who defected from our Times to theirs, and shockingly, doesn't tear him a new one. [LA Weekly]
• Fired ABC London correspondent says Peter Jennings wielded "hugely disproportionate" influence, without clarifying what exactly would be "proportionate" for the man with his name on the show. [Guardian]
• Slutty sis Wonkette comes to New York for a panel on — what else? — blogs and journalism, and she doesn't so much as say hello. [WWD]
• The Times wouldn't hire Slatester Tim Noah because they don't like white people. We thought it was because they don't like Jews. [Slate]
• FCC indecency complaints dropped by factor of 20 from first quarter to second. The copier must have broken at the Parents Television Council. [B&C]

Media Bubble: Wednesday is 'Observer' Day

Jesse · 09/28/05 03:14PM

• Confessions of a (granted, emergency-landing-surviving) media whore. [NYO]
• Bossman Denton cruises the Jersey Turnpike on a bathwater-powered scooter, apparently. Also, he has a large head. [NYO]
• Nonfamous writer Matt Haber's past was pillaged by adorable and now-famous writer Benjamin Kunkel, and Haber'll be damned if you don't know about it. [NYO]
• Dan Rather wants to revisit Bush National Guard story; CBS brass won't let him. We await Public Eye's take, presumably that spirited debate is a good thing. [NYP]
• A day in the life of Us editor Janice Min — in which no one cares about Britney's baby. [asap/AP]
• Geraldo won't sue Times, but his feelings are still hurt. [NYP]
Washington Blade launches a "gay Romenesko" site. We always thought that was us. [E&P]
• Turns out, SCOTUS nominee Roberts might not hate the press as much as the Times thought. Which still doesn't mean he likes it. [NYT]
Sly gets up off the mat. [WWD]

Media Bubble: Psst! Don't Tell Anyone, But Two Networks Lack Anchors.

Jesse · 09/27/05 03:08PM

• "ABC, CBS Secretly Search for Anchors," says AP hed. Yes, no one had any idea. [AP via Newsday]
• Shocker: Plame fallout makes sources less likely to trust reporters' promises of anonymity. [AJR]
• And another shocker: Bush SCOTUS nominee doesn't like the press. [NYT]
• Slightly more Americans trust the media than don't. Rejoice! [Gallup]
• Media more interested in Cocaine Kate than in Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's stock sale. Can't imagine why. [Media Matters]
• Friday's kick-off party for The New Yorker Festival featured James Woolsey, Jonathan Franzen, and Gilbert Gottfried. [WWD]
• Mags hold benefits for Katrina victims. [MIN]

Media Bubble: Print Is Better, If Dying

Jesse · 09/26/05 01:28PM

• Stories like the Katrina aftermath are much better in print, so long as print's still around to tell them, says print reporter David Carr. [NYT]
• Moss's mistake wasn't doing the blow. It was getting into a fight with a London tab in the first place. [IHT]
• More Dumenican yuks about the fall media offerings. Such as: In wake of TimesSelect, "the Times starts a program offering to pay online readers $49.95 a year to skim 'Metropolitan Diary items about the adorable stuff that Manhattan tots say and do on city buses to amuse the elderly and infirm. (Anticipated revenue stream: Google AdSense ads for Depends and Ensure.)" [Ad Age]
• Forthcoming Dylan documentary by Martin Scorsese shows, sadly but unsurprisingly, that reporters can be humorless nitwits. [E&P]
• Even NYT ombudsman Barney Calame says Geraldo's right and Alessandra's wrong. Big surprise. [NYT]
• It's odd, jack, to see meathead brother Oddjack in a Q&A that does not involve him insulting anyone. [PR Week]

Media Bubble: Tough 'Times'

Jesse · 09/22/05 01:59PM

• Bill Keller only learned of impending staff cutbacks on Friday. [E&P]
• Staff cuts, TimesSelect hiccups, Alessandra Stanley, and now this: S&P downgrades Times Co.'s debt. [NYP]
• Time Warner, like a battered wife stuck in an abusive relationship, now insists it likes AOL again. [NYT]
• Conde brass swears that editor Ariel Foxman isn't about to be canned from Cargo. [WWD]
• Denton tells Adam Penenberg there isn't much profit potential in blogs. Then he lights a fresh cigar with a $100 bill. [Wired News]

Media Bubble: Back to You, Peter

Jesse · 09/21/05 02:16PM

• Everybody who's anybody — and many who are nobody — turned out for a tribute to Peter Jennings at Carnegie Hall yesterday. [WP]
The New Yorker/NYPD's Ed Conlon signs for first novel, gets $550K advance. Also, AMI shrinks Enquirer to save money. [NYP]
• Katrina shows Big Media are snobs, too. [VV]
OK! America could pay up $2 million for pix of Britney's baby — unless the dreaded paparazzi get there first. [Radar]
• The Times further stokes Jack Shafer's ire — and this time rips his flesh, too — this time with a bogus trend story. [Slate]
• Elizabeth Spiers, who is friends with Dana Vachon, says the "continued prospects" of Men's Vogue "are positive." Si Newhouse exhales in relief. [MB]