• Walter Cronkite thinks CBS should keep one-anchor format. Also, he thinks the Evening News should keep its commercials for Depends, Just for Men, and Metamucil. [LAT]
• Sexy Jon Fine digs Vice. [BW]
• And less-sexy Jon Friedman digs Frank Rich. [MW]
• Upcoming NYT Mag poll of New Yorkers finds a quarter of Republicans would never fuck a Democrat. Unfortunately, those running the country come from the other 75 percent, and are happy to fuck us all. [E&P
• Peter Jennings left $50 million estate. For the record, our annual salary was under $25k when we worked for ABC News. [NYDN]
• The average U.S. household watched 8 hours and 11 minutes of TV per day in 2004-05, setting a record. USA! USA! [Reuters]