
CEO Demoted to Couch Surfer

Ryan Tate · 02/25/10 07:42PM

The founder of bankrupt Veoh looked for a place to crash; Palm's chief flack cracked wise about the stock; and John Mayer saved himself from being heckled at the gym. The Twitterati adjusted to sudden reversals.

Site you don't read has work you might need

Paul Boutin · 10/28/08 05:20PM

"We're not doing this because of the wave of layoffs," pleads ReadWriteWeb editor Marshall Kirkpatrick, announcing a new site-within-a-site called Jobwire at his also-ran business blog. It's true, Jobwire has been in the works for some time. But Kirkpatrick, who chronicles tech startup trends for a living, forgot to lay off a token employee last week. Now everyone thinks wrong: Either they believe Jobwire missed its launch window ("on schedule for next week," Kirkpatrick tweeted 12 days ago), or worse, they presume this is a hastily-assembled attempt to cash in on the sudden glut of unemployed Web workers. Poor guy. I'll probably end up working for him.

Is supporting Google's Facebook killer? Don't ask

Tim Faulkner · 11/15/07 02:28PM

Read/WriteWeb last night reported that will announce today, among other things, support of Google's OpenSocial Web widget platform in all of its applications going forward. Now Google can tout Amazon's support for its rival platform to extend social networks. Or can it? Amazon flacks, after sending Read/WriteWeb a press release about the move, are now retracting it and claiming the company is not adopting OpenSocial. Or if it is, they're pretending they don't know about it.