Credulous bloggers think Twitter will make more money than newspapers! That's a low bar. In the meantime, the media's Twitter addicts from the New York Times to ReadWriteWeb prove how value-free the status-updating service is:

ReadWriteWeb tech blogger Marshall Kirkpatrick got really excited about a Liberian paper's summary of an English translation by AOL of a Colombian magazine's weeks-old story about a romance between Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helù and Jordan's Queen Noor, which was shot down by Slim's spokesman the day it appeared in Mexico City tabloids.

East Village Idiot blogger Chris O'Leary was unimpressed with Newsweek's redesign.

Rachel Sklar, Dan Abrams's gal Friday, fled an advertising-free New York.

VentureBeat blogger Eric Eldon heard that Facebook might change its homepage at some point in the future.

New York Times please-don't-call-him-a-blogger Brian Stelter played videogames in the middle of a workday.
Anyone else's tweets we should keep an eye on? Send us more Twitter usernames, please — or email us your favorite tweets.