
Cyborg Drone Beetle Soldiers Are Coming to a Head Near You

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/11 04:33PM

Mars rocks! Skinny gene! Saffron cancer! Body odor! Beetle drones! Intergalactic traffic! Antibiotic resistance! Old fossils! And a whole new theory of prehistoric hand axe timing! It's your Friday Science Watch, where we watch science—coleopteristically!

Mysterious Orange Goo Identified As Your Mom

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/11 04:19PM

Goo analysis! Fetal sex! Science mistakes! Alien search! Lamprey death! NASA crafts! Undersea volcanoes! Solar flare! And the brutal ennui of the Mars Rover! It's your Wednesday Science Watch, where we watch science—down to its gooey center!

Did Capitalism Destroy Life on Mars?

Max Read · 03/23/11 01:28AM

Why isn't there life on Mars? Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has a theory! "I have always said, heard... it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived... and finished off the planet." Hmm.

Overcome Self-Doubt Using Self-Loathing

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/11 02:14PM

Courage theories! Sea drugs! Self-doubt conquering! Multi-species jet lag! True hair colors! The fattest place on earth! Dumb babies! And rovers that just won't quit! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—while "doing the robot," with words!

Watch the Sun Set on Mars

Max Read · 11/15/10 09:00PM

Here's a video of a sunset on Mars, assembled from photographs taken by the Mars rover Opportunity. Mars! You know that funny feeling you get, when you think about how small Earth is, and how big the universe it? Yeah.

There Will Come Soft Rains

Pareene · 06/06/08 09:46AM

John McCain would love to see NASA adopt a "better set of priorities," by which he doesn't mean science and stuff, but rather just sending a dude to Mars. Hooray Mars! McCain says he was inspired as a child by reading The Martian Chronicles, a book that tells the story of how humans exterminate native Martians and colonize their planet until Earth descends into nuclear war and everyone goes back to die. He probably doesn't remember any of those details, as he read the book 58 years ago. [AFP]

Warren Buffet Finances 2008's Most Delicious Acquisition

Pareene · 04/28/08 09:23AM

Mars bought the WM. Wrigley Jr. Company. You gotta imagine a business desk reporter's dream is to one day use the phrase "the chewing gum concern" within the first paragraph of a front-page item. Congrats, Andrew Ross Sorkin! Livin' the dream! That candy industry ought to ride out the depression just fine, right? Gum will be an especially important part of our recession diet at any rate. [NYT]