
Marmite: Now Banned in Denmark

Jeff Neumann · 05/25/11 07:38AM

Mmm, Marmite. That yeasty, sticky tar that Brits love to put on toast. Just thinking about it makes your mouth water. But now, in fascist Denmark, Marmite trafficking is illegal due to its added minerals and vitamins. It seems that the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries is trying to make some extra cash from desperate British expats:

Scandal: Marmite Retail Price Skyrockets

Jeff Neumann · 08/08/10 12:20PM

For no apparent reason, the cost of a jar of Britain's favorite spread Marmite has gone through the roof over the past five years, with a 500 gram jar now costing more than a gallon of gas. What's going on?