
New COO Sheryl Sandberg turns Facebook corporate

Nicholas Carlson · 04/14/08 12:40PM

If time flies when you're having fun, the inverse is true as well. Ex-Googler Sheryl Sandberg joined Facebook as COO only two weeks ago and "It feels like she's been here six months already," one Facebook exec told the Wall Street Journal. Sandberg has introduced employee performance reviews, new recruitment procedures, and management-training programs. Suddenly, the place sounds a lot less fun for its 550 employees than it did when Lesley Stahl from 60 Minutes visited Mark Zuckerberg at the offices last fall. It may be good news for Facebook's investors, though.

Forbes' Billionaire Bachelors Ready to Sign Prenup with YOU

Sheila · 04/14/08 09:58AM

O, hai! Had no idea that you, 23-year-old Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, were on the list of Forbes' richest people. But your net worth is... $1.5 bil? Forbes helpfully lists which of the men on its Rich List are bachelors. But don't get too excited: the thing about the rich is that they tend to be squirrely. And they'll make you sign a prenup, which is always a total bitch. Forbes has a slideshow of the billionaire bachelors, and as they saying goes: the odds are good, but the goods are odd. [Forbes]

Mark Zuckerberg: Please take my money

Jordan Golson · 04/10/08 12:20PM

Several years ago, old-time tech blog Slashdot started a subscription service. Rather than pay a monthly subscription fee, the site lets you pay $5 to load 1,000 pages ad-free and get a few other small bonuses. I've given Slashdot a total of $25 over several years to cover the cost of my subscriptions. Facebook users by and large don't click on the site's ads. With its low CPM rates, Facebook doesn't make much money on me — but the bottom-of-the-barrel ads grate on my eyes. Zuck, let's save us both the trouble. Let me pay some small amount, maybe $20 a year, to remove every ad and "sponsored post" in my News Feed.

Facebook chat beta required a 1500 SAT score, or at least a legacy

Nicholas Carlson · 04/09/08 11:20AM

Facebook Chat launched in beta earlier this week, available first to students at Harvard, Stanford, University of Chicago, Berkeley, Brown, Dartmouth and MIT— schools known for their brilliant graduates who go out and change the world. Or at least make a lot of money. Or write nasty things about the people who do. Also: Harvard, Stanford, University of Chicago, Berkeley, Brown, Dartmouth and MIT were the first schools to make Facebook popular, having been the first networks allowed access Mark Zuckerberg's creation. So we have that to thank them for too. Harvard's Alexander Konrad begins to earn our forgiveness, panning the new feature in the Crimson.

Facebook's "People You May Know" feature a geek apotheosis

Owen Thomas · 04/08/08 05:40PM

The New York media is predictably offended by Facebook's "People You May Know" feature. To anyone without Asperger's syndrome, the notion of an algorithm suggesting social relationships is offensive. But to Silicon Valley's elite, this is progress. Forming friendships is inefficient and time-consuming; mapping the social graph is a task well-suited to be offloaded to servers. Which, unlike the Starbucks lattes you may purchase in the pursuit of actual friendships, constantly decrease in price. Sure, I thought Facebook was a little off when it hinted I might be friends with Jimmy Wales, but the service is barely out of beta. Other suggestions, like Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, who I met casually once at a bar, is a perfectly suited addition to my list of Facebook "friends." Thus my faith in Mark Zuckerberg's ever-improving software remains unshaken. (Screenshot by Harrison Hoffman)

Last ruling in ConnectU vs. Facebook went against Mark Zuckerberg

Nicholas Carlson · 04/08/08 05:20PM

A judge last summer called the ConnectU founders' claims that Mark Zuckerberg had used code written while employed by them to create Facebook "tissue thin." Yesterday, in the final ruling before Facebook's lawyers decided to settle, a higher court disagreed and rejected Facebook's call for a dismissal. According to the appeals court ruling, Facebook's defense arguments were "either unavailing, or inadequately developed, or both. We reject them out of hand and, for the reasons elucidated above, we reverse the order of dismissal." Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, unwilling to go on with the case, chose to settle.

Zuckerberg agrees to pay off ConnectU founders

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 04:00PM

Facebook is preparing to settle with ConnectU founders Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra. The three allegedthat in 2003, Facebook founder and then-fellow Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg turned code he wrote for ConnectU into Facebook. All motions in the case have been terminated, the New York Times reports — a usual prelude to a settlement. In July 2007, a judge characterized the ConnectU founder's case as tissue-thin, remarking that dormroom chatter does not equate to a contract. Still, the case didn't seem to be going away. Already, inadvertently released court filings proved embarrassing to Zuckerberg, and a trial would likely have revealed worse. What the Times didn't get: the terms of the settlement.

Zuckerberg, Decker and Brin walk into a Jerusalem bar...

Jackson West · 04/02/08 10:00AM

Israeli president Shimon Peres has invited a number of luminaries to celebrate the country's 60th year of independence, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Yahoo president Sue Decker and Google cofounder Sergey Brin. They'll be discussing technology as part of the Facing Tomorrow conference in May. Zuckerberg's Facebook has been drawn into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict already, and is also banned in nearby Syria, so at least he has some relevant geopolitical experience.

Rerank the geeks on the 100 Unsexiest Men list

Nicholas Carlson · 03/31/08 02:40PM

Yahoo's new site for women, Shine, began life with a link to The Phoenix's 100 Unsexiest Men of The Year. OK, fine, we clicked. But then we were astounded to find the list contained only 4 percent geek. Further, the unattractiveness of those who made the list, such Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang, was, frankly, insultingly underrated. Also, the whole list was out of order. Below, a poll where you can help us rerank both the geeks already on the list, and those who should have made it. Rachel Marsden, your assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

Hong Kong tycoon doubles Facebook stake as employees eye exits

Owen Thomas · 03/27/08 04:40PM

Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong telecom billionaire, has upped his stake in Facebook, investing another $60 million in the social network. His new total: $120 million, or half of Microsoft's stake. The valuation: Still $15 billion. All the cash flowing into Facebook has gotten some Facebookers thinking about selling. CEO Mark Zuckerberg remains too cash-poor to buy his own house, but a handful of employees are cashing out.

Facebook security lapse exposes Mark Zuckerberg's private Facebook photos

Nicholas Carlson · 03/25/08 01:40PM

Canadian Byron Ng found a way around Facebook privacy safeguards and forwarded pictures of Paris Hilton's brother drinking beer to the Associated Press. How'd he do it? As we reported in January, Facebook doesn't provide much security for its users' photos. With the right URL, anyone can see any photo, whether its marked private or not. Take, for example, the photos from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's own private album, embedded below. In it, Zuck shows that he drinks beer and even sometimes wears a tux.

Is Slide worth half a billion? Only if Facebook buys them

Jordan Golson · 03/24/08 12:40PM

In January a pair of money managers, Fidelity and T. Rowe Price, bought 9.1 percent of Slide for $50 million. Fortune asks, "Are these widgets worth half a billion?" The mag doesn't come up with anything more than "maybe," but I'm willing to go a little further. Slide worth $550 million? No, despite its huge traffic numbers. While it's true that advertisers are desperate to reach the 18-24 market, I hardly think SuperPoke is what they had in mind.

Zuckerberg seeks to poach Google customers with banner ads

Nicholas Carlson · 03/20/08 01:40PM

Any doubts Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is targeting Google? First Zuckerberg hired away Google ad-operations exec Sheryl Sandberg as Facebook's COO. Now he's going straight for Google's advertising customers. Reading BNet, a tipster came across a banner ad from Facebook. It read: "Reach your customers before they start searching." Check out the screenshot, below.

Abstruse 3D chart shows just how much engineers dislike Sarah Lacy

Nicholas Carlson · 03/18/08 01:40PM

When techies get mad, as they did when Sarah Lacy interviewed Mark Zuckerberg at SXSW, they Twitter furiously. When they're still seething later, it seems, they put those Twitters in a spreadsheet and analyze them. Hence, Somewhere Inc. CEO Kee Hinckley's Anatomy of a Mob, which charts the frequency of the top 50 words Twittered over the hour Lacy and Zuckerberg spoke. Hinckley's conclusion: "The Twitter transcript makes it clear that there was an early and constant stream of negative comments flowing from a large number of senders." Lacy has cited live blog coverage as evidence that the mood stayed positive until the last 15 minutes of the interview; Hinckley's analysis — though relying on Twitter — would seem to argue against that. Even so, Hinckley is sympathetic: "She didn't deserve the abuse that was dished out on Twitter, let alone what happened in the auditorium." After the jump, an annotated video showing the Twitter reaction in sync with the interview.

Mark Zuckerberg, Middle East peace envoy

Jordan Golson · 03/17/08 03:20PM

At South By Southwest, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said his company doesn't "want to be in the business of deciding who's a country." And yet, inescapably, it is — right down to drawing borders. Facebook classified some West Bank towns as being in Palestine instead of Israel. This angered some Jewish settlers who wanted to be classified as living in Israel. On the other side of the fence, some Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be listed as part of Palestine. Facebook, in an effort to stay neutral, Facebook has given users the option of choosing which country they wish to identify with. We're just waiting for the Zionist-conspiracy wingnuts to notice that Zuckerberg is Jewish.

Mark Zuckerberg eye-rolling incident roils Craigslist

Owen Thomas · 03/17/08 01:20PM

So Mark Zuckerberg walks into a bar — sorry, no punch line. According to a "missed connections" posting on Craigslist, Facebook's CEO visited Bourbon & Branch, the Tenderloin speakeasy, on Saturday, and rolled his eyes when he was recognized. The Craigslist user's unfriendly advice for Zuckerberg: "If I were you, I'd appreciate being recognized. You're not Brad Pitt. You're a computer geek (on paper). Don't become such a prick so early in your career." We have a feeling this will cause the straitlaced Zuckerberg to drink even less than he already does.

Mark Zuckerberg's charm campaign has him talking to everyone

Owen Thomas · 03/14/08 06:00PM

In the wake of his SXSW keynote talk with BusinessWeek columnist Sarah Lacy, is there anyone Mark Zuckerberg hasn't granted an interview? Caroline McCarthy, Stacey Higginbotham, and Nick O'Neill landed chat time with Zuck. Who, you ask? Exactly. Zuckerberg used to privately tell colleagues he didn't want to talk to anyone besides Wall Street Journal reporters (an obligatory move, while he was raising money) and Fortune's David Kirkpatrick (a man constitutionally incapable of writing an unkind word about a tech mogul). That he's talking to anyone who will listen suggests that Zuckerberg is trying to change his ways. He needs to stop, now, before he does more damage to his personal brand.

Randi Zuckerberg to wed in two months

Nicholas Carlson · 03/12/08 03:20PM

Last seen bravely trying to block Julia Allison's path to a geek — her brother, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg — Randi Zuckerberg will marry her college sweetheart, Brent Tworetzky, in May. Lucky guy. As Web chanteuse "Randi Jayne," she long ago sang her way into our heart with her music video, Valleyfreude, embedded below. Update: Randi just texted my boss, "Sweet! You just saved me money on wedding invites! ;-)"