
Smoking Pot Is American as Heck

Max Read · 07/17/12 02:00PM

Here's Romney surrogate John Sununu on Fox News telling Megyn Kelly someone that President Obama "has no idea how the American system functions" because "he spent his early years in Hawaii smoking something [and] spent the next set of years in Indonesia."

The Miami Cannibal Wasn't on Bath Salts or 'Spice' or Jenkem or Rainbow Parties

Max Read · 06/27/12 05:27PM

Which dangerous, trendy nightmare drugs was Rudy "Miami Cannibal" Eugue "tripping balls" on when he tried to eat the face of 65-year-old Ronald Poppo in May? Was it "bath salts" — "the new LSD"? Or "Spice," the "synthetic marijuana"? Or was he on LSD, the "old LSD"? Or was it cocaine psychosis? Or was it all of the drugs at once?? Let's look at the coroner's report to find out:

Finally, a Frozen Burrito for Stoners

Louis Peitzman · 06/17/12 02:43PM

Professional skateboarder and MTV reality star Rob Dyrdek is jumping on the frozen food bandwagon at last. Along with his cousin Chris "Drama" Pfaff, Dyrdek has founded Loud Mouth Burritos, a company specializing in frozen burritos for really stoned people.

Stephen Colbert Wonders If Marijuana Initiatives Will Drive Democrats to the Polls This November

Matt Toder · 06/14/12 11:01PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert discussed two interesting stories related to the election: whether marijuana initiatives on ballots in swing states will drive Democrats to the polls and the possibility of networks running out of air time to run all the political ads bought with Super PAC money. It's gonna be interesting, that's for sure.

'Marijuana Is the Greatest Sexual Stimulant Since They Invented the 12-Inch Penis'

Rich Juzwiak · 04/20/12 03:20PM

Above is a clip from the 1971 scare-film-in-reverse Aphrodisiac! The Sexual Secrets of Marijuana. The sexual secrets aren't really secrets, just: weed makes you horny and then you end up in soft porn scenes. But anyway, since it's 4/20, it's probably a really good day to get high and bang your secretary, like the guy in the clip above. Or at least get high and watch some raunchy, incompetent shit. Here you go.

Room For Debate: What Kind of Drug is Rihanna Doing On This Man's Head?

Gawker Staff · 04/19/12 02:04PM

The New York Times' "Room For Debate" is an entrancingly dumb recurring feature in which they get a handful of vaguely qualified people to opine on various important questions such as, "Is Veganism Good For Everyone?" As we have done before, we now offer our own perspectives on an issue of substance: "What Kind of Drugs Did Rihanna Pour on This Man's Head?" Please see this controversial photo of Rihanna preparing to do drugs off of a man's head at Coachella this week for reference.

Today's Song: Wiz Khalifa 'California'

Rich Juzwiak · 04/10/12 03:20PM

Did you see that insane report from a questionable insurance agency on a fishy study suggesting that marijuana users are actually "safe" drivers? This contradicts older studies/common sense suggesting they're a hazard or at least no more dangerous than your average sober driver. I don't know what to believe, but I do know that I now feel less guilt about posting a song whose entire premise involves smoking and driving (it's a theme on the Wiz Khalifa mixtape from which it's taken, Taylor Allderdice). It's a dubiously scientific miracle. Enjoy the Jermaine Dupri-inspired 808 glide.

Snoop Dogg's New Book Will Literally Get You High

Emma Carmichael · 04/06/12 11:20AM

You know when you're reading a book, and the book is kind of meh, and so you decide to roll a joint, but then you realize you ran out of rolling papers and forgot to buy a new pack, because you are a stoner? Sucks, right? Problem solved, thanks to the melted brain of America's favorite burnout, Snoop Dogg.

Baton-Wielding 'Ninjas' Foil Medical Marijuana Delivery

Emma Carmichael · 03/26/12 04:30PM

A medical marijuana delivery in West Covina, Calif., was foiled early this morning after two men dressed as ninjas and wielding martial arts batons approached a deliveryman and stole a bag of cash and product.

Pat Robertson: Legalize Marijuana

Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/12 11:11AM

Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcast Network star and host of "The 700 Club," to the New York Times: "I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol. I've never used marijuana and I don't intend to, but it's just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn't succeeded." Free the Virgin Mary Jane.