Mally Bieber Back in Jail, Asks God "Can I Have a Family?"
Caity Weaver · 05/31/13 12:48PMJustin Bieber’s Monkey Still Languishing in a German Prison
Caity Weaver · 04/23/13 03:55PMPostcards from Prison: 8 Adorable Images of Justin Bieber's Monkey Under German Quarantine
Caity Weaver · 04/03/13 04:14PM
Last week, the headmaster's nephew Justin Bieber flew to Munich to put on a few performances as part of his world tour. He brought almost all the important things with him: his shoe, his passport, his baby capuchin monkey. Unfortunately, he didn't bring one very, very important thing: the necessary clearance forms so that he would be allowed to bring the monkey in and out of Germany. (Who knew you needed "animal clearance forms" for a friend? What a world.)