
Foxy Fox Poses With Fox

Richard Lawson · 04/23/08 12:28PM

Hey, here's a magazine cover featuring Transformers actress Megan Fox. It appears to be some sort of animal rights publication, and Ms. Fox seems to have been the model of choice because a) her last name is also the name of an animal and b) no one famous would do it. So, look. She's holding a fox. And her last name is Fox. Though, I don't know why I'm even bothering to show this to you guys. We all subscribe to Christopher Ameruoso presents Paw Print magazine, right? [via Hollywood Tuna. I know.]

Adweek Shuffle

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/08 03:19PM

Iron-fisted Adweek editor Alison Fahey has been promoted to publisher and editorial director of the brand, and the magazine has brought in Mike Chapman, a veteran of eMarketer and The Economist Intelligence Unit, to oversee the newsroom. But Chapman will report to Fahey, meaning she's still ultimately in charge of the beleaguered reporters' lives. Theory making the rounds: Nielsen, which owns Adweek, wants to make the magazine more data-heavy (which is Nielsen's forte, and perhaps more palatable for a company coming off a round of layoffs), as opposed to journalism-heavy. [Adweek/ Adverganza]

The Best Of The Bizarre

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/08 11:35AM

The nether regions of the magazine world are truly a strange place. An upcoming book called Bad Mags is a collection of some of the most "strange, bizarre, and peripheral" magazines of the last 50 years—obscure fetish porn, occult titles, true crime, punks, horror, aliens, serial killers. Awesome. We've combed through hundreds of titles to bring you the ten weirdest, dirtiest, and/ or most intriguing magazine covers there are. They're all below—some are NSFW, but all are worthwhile.

"Lalalala We Can't Hear You," Say Music Magazines

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/08 10:29AM

So, major music magazines: are they in trouble or what? The music industry is driven by young influencers, who are some of the most tech-savvy people in the world, meaning they're turning away from print magazines in droves, if they haven't already. In addition to that, the majority of major music magazines are crap. Ad revenue at most of them plummeted in the first quarter: Blender's revenue was down 9%; Vibe's was down 19%; and Rolling Stone's was down 27% (Spin was up 27%, huzzah). But savvy managers like Blender publisher Ben Madden aren't concerned, because they know that you all turn to them when you want to real authentic info, man:

Vogue Intern Makes $2 Million Per Year

Ryan Tate · 04/22/08 03:19AM

"Star New York Ranger and man-about-town Sean Avery is out to build up his résumé this summer - by interning at Vogue... He wrote a letter to Anna Wintour expressing his desire to work there... Avery likely will work with a variety of editors, including European editor at large Hamish Bowles. There's also talk of him working at Men's Vogue. And the spokesman claimed that, like most interns, the 28-year-old Avery will be expected to do traditional assistantlike tasks." [WWD]

"So I Said If He Couldn't Even Handle That Simple Story, Maybe He'd Be More Comfortable Working For Cat Fancy."

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/08 04:36PM

Cat Fancy, the magazine that is the best punchline in any magazine joke, is apparently too broke to hire an ad agency. So they're searching for ad submissions with the theme "Cats Rule!" from you, the cat fanciers. The winning ad will appear right there in the pages of Cat Fancy. Why not make some ads that are funny and send them to us instead, if you truly believe, incorrectly, that "Cats Rule!" Ha, Cat Fancy. [Cat Fancy (ha) via Adfreak]

Soviet Union magazine

Nick Denton · 04/21/08 01:54PM

Those communist-era magazines seem so quaint, if one forgets the dull horror of the system that produced them. Russia's Soviet Museum carries an excellent online collection of the usual propaganda posters and photographs-and these images of Soviet Union magazine, in which the strategic rockets are daintier than the women's fashion. [via Metafilter]

One Minor Flaw In Chris Hitchens' Sexiness

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/08 03:13PM

If you've been harboring fantasies of sleeping with portly British provocateur Christopher Hitchens, hold on just a minute: he snores. It's hardly his biggest personal flaw (educated guess), but he does manage to crank out thousands of words on his snoring affliction for Men's Vogue, as part of his ongoing quest to pre-empt any and all criticisms of himself so that he can continue to talk bad about whatever he likes in peace. Here, his long-suffering (educated guess, again) wife describes the experience of a Hitchens family slumber:


Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/08 02:29PM

Excellent article in the New Yorker this week about tigers. Fear them as you journey through the Sundarbans in search of honey! [NYer]

Felix Dennis Would Kill For A Good Alibi

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/08 10:05AM

Maxim publisher Felix Dennis, who grimly admitted to a murder during an interview, keeps trying new and various ways to backtrack. He was drunk! He only kills magazines, ha ha! His latest claim, at a Columbia Journalism event last night: it was all a big prank to sell books! Dennis said it was an April fool's joke. "What [the press] didn't notice was the date," he said. Of course, that disregards the fact that the story actually ran on April 2, and that the interview the story was based on took place months earlier. Quite a bit of forward planning for a raving drunk and possibly murderous lad mag mogul. [BW]. Here's the original passage that started it all:

Time Hates Freedom, God

Ryan Tate · 04/17/08 10:34PM

An outraged Iwo Jima veteran said that whoever designed Time's April 21 global warming cover (pictured) is "going to hell... to stick a tree in place of a flag on the Iwo Jima picture is just sacrilegious." His veteran buddies are also upset: "[W]e'll stick a dadgum tree up somebody's rear if they want that and think that's going to cure something." Wait, so people actually say "dadgum" outside of King Of The Hill? [Business And Media]

In Prison, Reading Vogue And Harper's Bazaar Kind Of Makes You Everyone's Bitch

Ryan Tate · 04/17/08 03:22AM

Derek Khan is living the high life now in Dubai, having put his past as a jewelry-pinching celebrity stylist behind him. He has recaptured some of his past glory, now appearing as a "commentator and makeover specialist" on satellite TV and in magazines like OK! Middle East. But in between Khan's come-up and his comeback, between 2003 and 2005, he did time at Rikers Island and two upstate prisons. None of his famous clients visited him in jail, so Khan kept tabs on them by reading fashion magazines. You can guess how that went over in the clink:

Glamour Quest For Minorities To Cook Chicken, Meatloaf

Ryan Tate · 04/16/08 08:56PM

Hey, non-white women: Glamour is not racist, despite what you may have read! Why, just this week the magazine hosted a cookoff for "ethnically diverse" couples. One is happening tonight! Half the contestants will make roast chicken, half will make meatloaf. And probably none will be fatties, since everyone was asked to submit in advance "j-peg photos of each of you (300 dpi)- 5 x7." Glamour's panicked email seeking contestants, reprinted after the jump, made its way to at least one minority journalism association, so hopefully the magazine was able to contact some of those elusive non-whites "outside of the [sic] NY and NJ."

Threat: No Caffeine For Messy Design Writers

Nick Denton · 04/16/08 04:55PM

Metropolis magazine devotes its April issue to the art of the kitchen, interviewing American chefs on the design of their work spaces. Of course, hygiene is particularly important in a professional pantry. Less so at the offices of Metropolis itself; in fact, some staffers have been leaving unwashed cups in the sink. Magazine founder Horace Havemeyer III, who even discovered a food container in the sink yesterday, is determined to uphold the standards that Metropolis espouses in its pages. In a pissy email forwarded by a tipster, Havemeyer threatens to empty the refrigerator, and remove coffee and tea-for a whole week. After the jump, the email memo.

Purported Tom Ford Shows His Nose

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/08 03:39PM

Had enough of golden boy fashion designer Tom Ford's face? He helpfully poses on the cover of Prestige in a way that makes visible only his forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips, and chin. This is the man about whom rival (?) designer Marc Jacobs just told GQ, "Whatever he's doing works for him. And I don't know if he does anything, but I'm not opposed." Now we know what he's doing: undergoing some sort of grotesque face surgery that's being concealed by faux-artistic camera angles! Click to enlarge the puzzling cover. [Towleroad]

Cindy Crawford Will Be The First To Admit That She's No Al Gore

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/08 11:49AM

Just in time for its annual "Green Issue" (which, once again, is not printed on recycled paper), Vanity Fair gets supermodel—and super mom—Cindy Crawford to take some time out of her busy schedule and write a stilted and comically self-absorbed article to fill you, the reader, in on what Cindy Crawford is doing about "green" things. It's a word which is "on everybody's tongues these days." She's being harassed by her kids about this stuff! "I guess it's part of living in Malibu," she says. Yes, we'll take your word for it.

Reality TV Tearing 'Elle' Apart

Pareene · 04/16/08 10:20AM

Things are apparently a mess at fashion magazine Elle. A terrible reality show is has taken over the office, according to Ben Widdicombe. The show is called "Fashionista," it's produced by Tyra, and it will air on The CW later this year. It documents the search for a new assistant for creative director Joe Zee, even though he has an assistant already, one who is by all reports perfectly competent. So the show's contestants are just running around the office, getting in everyone's way with pointless "challenges," competing for a job they won't get. Meanwhile, an email we received from an anonymous tipster seems to suggest that maybe Mr. Zee, with his star-making new reality show on the way, might be helping to publicize the ouster of the mag's last reality show star, former fashion director Nina Garcia.

(Black) Obama Linked To (Black) Rappers In B——, Hoe Scandal, Says Race-Blind Conservative Publication!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/08 05:19PM

Scandal alert: Barack Obama has been complicit with rappers since at least 2006! He has collaborated with their nefarious aims! It's all there in a sordid report from Human Events, which lays bare the undeniable ties between Obama and individuals who have released albums containing rap music at one time or another. He hasn't rebuked them or repudiated them or even renounced them! Not even "foul-mouthed rappers" like Will.I.Am! Not even when, throughout the rap industry, "folks talk so openly and regularly about b———, n——— and hoes"! Yo Evan Gahr of Human Events, can you please drop some knowledge on these muhfuckas?

World Forbidden From Looking At Pretty Things

Pareene · 04/15/08 02:32PM

First, they came for photoshop, and I said "good luck putting a magazine together." The American Society of Magazine Editors may put together a panel that will brainstorm some "best-practice guidelines" for digital manipulation of photographs in our glossies. Not that they'd ban it, of course! They say they just don't want readers to be misled. We say SLIPPERY SLOPE. Because now, in France, they're taking this to its logical conclusion: they're banning pretty people. Or skinny people, anyway.