
University of Wisconsin Suspends SAE Chapter After Black Brother Choked, Verbally Abused

Jordan Sargent · 05/19/16 04:38PM

You might remember Sigma Alpha Epsilon from when the fraternity’s Oklahoma chapter was kicked off campus last year after several of its members were filmed singing a racist song. Although the chapter learned the song on a national leadership cruise, SAE’s directors insisted at the time that there was no endemic racism within their organization, which was founded in the 1800's by Confederate soldiers. News out of the University of Wisconsin’s flagship campus in Madison once again calls that assertion into question.

Hardline Anti-Immigration Reform Senator Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 02/28/16 06:12PM

On Sunday, Senator Jefferson (“Jeff”) Sessions endorsed Donald Trump during a campaign event in his home state of Alabama. Sessions is the upper chamber’s most strident opponent of immigration reform, and the first senator to endorse the billionaire real estate developer.

Sarah Palin Has Met Her Ultimate Enemy

Jim Newell · 04/18/11 12:17PM

Sarah Palin was just trying to stick it to the president at a Tea Party rally in Madison, Wisconsin this weekend, but "unhinged loons" and Union Thugs allegedly kept screaming her down. But is this really what happened? We're pretty sure that this protester, for one, is just challenging her to a cage match at Wrestlemania. MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW, SARAH!, indeed. [via Wonkette]

Wisconsin Police Tackle State Lawmaker Entering the Capitol

Jim Newell · 03/04/11 02:12PM

Pity the overworked police officers of Madison, Wisconsin, who must be completely exhausted after monitoring around-the-clock protests for weeks while getting different orders every three seconds — clear the Capitol, reopen the Capitol, take senators into custody if they ever step foot in the state they represent, clear the Capitol, and so on — depending on Gov. Scott Walker's mood. So maybe it was this constant state of confusion that led some officers to tackle a Democratic lawmaker as he was trying to reach his Capitol office last night.

Fox News Desperately Trying to Portray Madison as a War Zone

Jim Newell · 03/02/11 12:24PM

Fox News reporter Mike Tobin went on Bill O'Reilly's program Monday night to talk about the evil, violent union thugs who beat everyone up all the time. This is the same Mike Tobin who claims he was "hit" by protesters inside the Wisconsin Capitol a few days ago, which the magic of the Internet has since shown to be a questionable assertion. Still, Tobin sticks to his argument: Unions = Endless violence, everywhere. Bill O'Reilly, for his part, wonders "who's behind the chanting." Perhaps the Muslims? That's our guess.

Judge Orders Wisconsin Capitol Re-Opened

Jim Newell · 03/01/11 02:39PM

A Dane County, Wisc., judge has issued a temporary restraining order to reopen the Wisconsin Capitol building to the public. Capitol access was restricted over the weekend and again this morning, following days in which the building had been crowded with protesters. The Wisconsin State Employees Union, along with the AFL-CIO and AFSCME, filed the suit against the state of Wisconsin yesterday.

'The Daily Show' Botches a Camel Stunt

Jim Newell · 02/23/11 03:17PM

The Daily Show's coverage of the protests in Madison, Wisconsin hasn't used any of its rumored "camel footage" yet, and this YouTube clip may show you why. The show thought it would be funny to bring a camel to the protests on Monday, presumably as some sort of joke about how the issues there are so puny compared to what's going down in the Middle East. But Madison blogger Jack Craver got footage of the camel slipping in the ice and slush, moaning, and falling down along with the barricade surrounding it. Daily Show correspondent John Oliver briefly walks in front of Craver, too, suggesting he turn the camera off. Oh, that John Oliver! (Yikes.)

Wisconsin Bros Fined $86,000 for Epic Rager

Adrian Chen · 10/06/10 10:00PM

We attended many ragers during our time at Large Midwestern University, but this is next-level. Three University of Wisconsin students have been fined $86,000 for a house party they threw one fateful game day.