A Dane County, Wisc., judge has issued a temporary restraining order to reopen the Wisconsin Capitol building to the public. Capitol access was restricted over the weekend and again this morning, following days in which the building had been crowded with protesters. The Wisconsin State Employees Union, along with the AFL-CIO and AFSCME, filed the suit against the state of Wisconsin yesterday.

Today, Judge Daniel Moeser ordered the building reopened. Court documents posted online read:

Resp. shall open the Wisconsin Capitol to members of the public during business hours and at times when governmental matters, such as hearings, listening sessions and court arguments are being conducted. This ex parte restraining order is in effect until the assigned trial court is able to schedule a hearing on the matter. If resp. wishes to have a hearing with respect to this order one will be scheduled as soon as possible before this court, the duty judge, if the assigned trial court is unable to hear the matter promptly. Pet. shall immediately serve a copy of this order on resp.

The court clerk's office told TPM that no further hearing on the matter has yet been scheduled.

Wisconsin's Department of Administration did not immediately respond to TPM's call asking if it would comply with the judge's order.

Late update:

A hearing is reportedly scheduled for 2:15 p.m. local. WisPolitics.com reports that the DOA has issued a statement on the order:

The Department of Administration today did receive a temporary injunction requiring the department to open the Wisconsin State Capitol to members of the public during business hours and when governmental matters, including hearings, are being conducted. The policies that DOA currently has in place are in compliance with this order. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. today at the Dane County Circuit Court, Branch 3, before Judge Albert.

Republished with permission from TalkingPointsMemo.com. Authored by Eric Lach. Photo via AP. TPM provides breaking news, investigative reporting and smart analysis of politics.