Web geeks meet "hotty toddy" SoHoers
Nicholas Carlson · 10/16/07 03:30PM
DEEPEST SOHO, NEW YORK — I'm at the offices of TheLadders, a sort of for six-figure-salary types, and this tech consultant won't stop bending my ear. "I just went to a Lunch 2.0 in the Valley last week," he says. TheLadders is throwing a Lunch 2.0 event, a sort of recruiting-fest and schmoozathon that's lurched its way from the Valley to New York City. How'd he like the first Lunch 2.0 in New York? "Oh, you know New York. Everyone's all hotty toddy." No, I don't know. A hot toddy, last I checked, is a mixed drink served hot. It's not an attitude. You want an attitude? Tell a bunch of New Yorkers they're hoity toity.