
The Hardest Part Of Breaking Up Is Changing Your Facebook Status

Rebecca · 03/28/08 11:29AM

The Marc Jacobs and Jason Preston break-up has been très tragic for the two of them, but quite amusing for those interested in another form of meta-reality after this week's très boring Parisian Hills. The two of them are sort of famous, so we can delight in their misery, but since they're only sort of famous, they use Facebook just like the plebs. And their respective relationship mini-feeds are the stuff of pure Web 2.0 tragedy. (Click to enlarge the image)

Twitter Is For Twits

Joshua Stein · 11/05/07 12:05PM

In the Times Style section's ongoing exploration of "what's inside the Internets," Noam Cohen examines Twitter, a " relatively new program that allows its mostly young members to post 'miniblogs'—running diaries about the mundane details of their lives, in entries of barely two sentences." Sometimes those mundane details include, "Alright this is it. Parked my car. I wish everyone who ever was nice to me well. See you in the next life." He doesn't follow through but still sad. But most times it includes this, from the same suicidal user, Nick Starr: "planning a Ramen noodle lunch after church" and "At church. Be back in about 2 hours twitter" and also "how did u get IKEA furniture in Florida?"

Stupid phrase, clever song

Nick Douglas · 06/04/07 12:04PM

NICK DOUGLAS — How did the artist below pull off this music video's odd fast-forward, almost-in-reverse effect? And how great are these lines: "You're prettier than fine CSS / you're finer than delish-i-ess"? If you hate the term "Love 2.0" (and god knows I do), you'll love the song with that title. Watch it below or give it 5 stars on YouTube.