
Hillary Lied and the Investigation Died

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/06/16 05:27PM

Breaking news from Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who announced this evening that the Department of Justice will not bring any charges in the nebulous case against Hillary Clinton related to a private email account she generally used during her time as Secretary of State.

Watch Attorney General Loretta Lynch Call North Carolina and Governor Pat McCrory On Their Bullshit

Rich Juzwiak · 05/09/16 04:30PM

The Department of Justice is filing a federal civil rights lawsuit against North Carolina, Governor Pat McCrory, the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and the University of North Carolina as a result of the state’s “bathroom bill” known as HB2 (or the Public Facilities Act), announced Attorney General Loretta Lynch at news conference this afternoon.

Jason Parham · 10/02/15 09:59AM

To help re­du­ce re­cidiv­ism rates, the Justice Department an­nounced $53 mil­lion in grants for programs that aid offenders from re-entering prison (4 in 10 return within three years of release). “[W]e have to make a decision as to how we are going to re­in­teg­rate those in­di­vidu­als back in­to our so­ci­ety,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said.

Jason Parham · 04/23/15 03:45PM

With a vote of 56-43, Loretta Lynch became the 83rd U.S. Attorney General on Thursday. As her first act as AG, we propose she indict Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for delaying the nomination for several months. Or, better yet: just abolish the Senate altogether.

Loretta Lynch Isn't the Attorney General Yet Because the Senate Sucks

Jason Parham · 04/16/15 11:54AM

Loretta Lynch, the very qualified New York federal prosecutor who was nominated by President Obama in November to become the next attorney general, still hasn't been confirmed by the Senate. For some context: Lynch has waited twice as long for a vote than the seven most recent attorneys general combined. (Eric Holder's vote took eight days!)

Jason Parham · 11/07/14 05:11PM

Loretta Lynch, who has served as Brooklyn's chief prosecutor since 2010, is expected to be named by President Obama as the next attorney general, replacing Eric Holder, who said he would resign once a successor was announced. If confirmed, Lynch would become the first black woman to helm the Justice Department.