Attorney General Loretta Lynch just announced a federal civil rights investigation into the Baltimore police department in response to the death of Freddie Gray. A similar investigation by the DOJ into the Ferguson police department uncovered systematic racism and well-documented examples of police brutality.

“Rather than examining whether the police department violated good policies, we will examine if they violated the Constitution and the community’s civil rights,” Lynch said during the press conference.

From CBS News:

Justice Department investigators “will seek to determine whether there are systemic violations of the Constitution or federal law by officers,” according to a press release. The probe will focus on the police use of force, including deadly force. The Justice Department will also review BPD’s stops, searches and arrests, as well as whether there is a pattern or practice of discriminatory policing.

Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake requested the DOJ investigation on Wednesday. In a statement Friday, Rawlings-Blake said she was “pleased” that the Justice Department agreed to her request.

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