
The New Sex and the City 2 Trailer Is a Lot to Process

Brian Moylan · 04/09/10 09:38AM

There's a gay wedding on the set of Muppets Take Manhattan. Samantha is wearing the costumes from Mad Max: The Musical. Liza! Miley! Penelope! Aiden! Menopause! Carrie fights for her marriage! Man, this is... well, it's gonna be something.

I Am Slightly Underwhelmed By Lindsay Lohan's Paris Fashion Week Debut

Foster Kamer · 10/04/09 10:30AM

Lindsay Lohan makes her big Paris Fashion Week catwalk debut. Beyonce dad is impregnating women and moving women to the left. Vincent Gallo: still awesome. Liza Minella, Michael Jackson, Padma, Diller, the High Line! Here's your Sunday Morning Gossip Roundup:

I Want To Cry Justin Timberlake And Jessica Biel A River Of Domestic Empathy

Foster Kamer · 07/03/09 10:30AM

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, and Gary Coleman are all having relationship issues. Megan Fox: macking on Zac Efron and smack-talking Michael Bay. Liza's mob problems, Twilight's freak fanbase, and celebrity cocaine usage! Presenting your pre-Holiday Friday Gossip Roundup:

Are Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf Secret Lovers?

The Cajun Boy · 06/29/09 07:13AM

Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf might be boning, Whitney Port has a new fake boyfriend, Britney Spears dyed her hair and is sporting a ring, Bradley Cooper put Jennifer Aniston in the friend zone and Leo DiCaprio's shoes got stolen.

mark · 08/24/07 03:12PM

Yeah, now that they mention it, Scott Baio really is looking a little rough these days. [SuicideGirls]

Gossip Roundup: All the World's a Changing Table

Jessica · 06/14/06 10:51AM

• Yesterday, we watched Britney cry to Matt Lauer that celebrities "are people, too!" Today, we learn that she changed her baby's diaper on the FLOOR next to a cash register at Victoria's Secret. This pretty much clears up any confusion about whether or not Britney's a person — she's not even a primate. Where the hell is the manny when this stuff happens? [Us Weekly]
• The battle of Paris and Lindsay continues: Hilton tries to pick a fight with Lohan, Lohan takes the high road and walks away, Hilton responds by performing a striptease for Eli Manning. [Page Six]
• An Us Weekly reporter gets pepper-sprayed by security when trying to get pics of Oliver Hudson's weekend wedding. Seems like quite a length to go for Goldie Hawn's other kid. [R&M (last item)]
• Keith Olbermann says Rita Cosby is "dumber than a suitcase full of rocks." Suspiciously masculine rocks, that is. [Lowdown]
• Liza Minelli's estranged, plasticine husband David Gest is accused of sexually harrassing his personal assistant, grabbing his jingly bits and punctuating orders with dirty talk. If true, Gest deserves every beating Liza ever gave him. [Page Six]
• Nick Lachey hooks up with MTV's Vanessa Minnillo, ensuring that Jessica Simpson will never again grace the set of TRL. [Scoop]
• For Michael Jackson, the proceeds from his Katrina charity single will go to straight to his pocket. After all, someone's gotta pay for his new earlobe. [Fox411]

Nice things about people

Gawker · 04/01/03 04:27PM

As mentioned earlier, we've decided to change our corporate motto from "if you can't say anything nice about people, start your own weblog" to "everyone is happy, pretty, and smart in their own special way." I know the similarity is confusing, as the differences are quite subtle. On that note"Random Nice Things About People" by Gawker Editor, Liz Smith:
· David Gest and Liza Minelli: you say "dysfunctional, fucked-up relationship"; I say "highly-rated made-for-TV movie."
· Miramax chief, Harvey Weinstein: big cuddly ass-kicking teddy bear.
· Vogue Editor, Anna Wintour: Oh, to have her smooth freshly-botoxed skin!
· Catherine Zeta-Jones: How does she stuff her face with cake like that, and still manage to stay so thin? Amazing!
· Designer Zac "Perfect" Posen: the trust fund only enhances his obvious talent.
· Nicky and Paris Hilton: (Cat)walking and talking at the same time! How many other beautiful hotel-fortune heiresses can do that? Not many!

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 03/16/03 01:49PM

· A friend of polo player Adam Lindemann on Lindemann's impending divorce (in that "how will this play at the yacht club?" vein) : "It is a shame...They have three beautiful daughters who will be the new Miller sisters. Everyone really likes them boththey are very popular on the social circuitand we are all hoping for the best." [Page Six]
· Clint Eastwood on dear old mom: "Mumsy and I talk every night on the telephone...Last night, I took her to dinner at my golf club...I built it three years ago because it was so difficult to get tee times at the Pebble Beach Club." [Page Six]
· Old Homestead steakhouse owner suspects that Daniel Bouloud dropped his $50 DB burger because his $41 Old Homestead burger was better. "If there ever was a burger war, I think I kicked ass." Bouloud's spokeswoman: "Having the most expensive burger isn't necessarily something to be proud of." [Page Six]
· We're shocked, shocked to learn that Liza Minelli and David Gest's gargantuan anniversary party has been cancelled because Liza's back in rehab. Irish bad boy Colin Farrell on being a dad: "It's true, yes, I'm going to be a dad. I haven't even told my family yet. It's so cool. I'm fucking chuffed and over the moon" [NY Daily News]
· Jerry Seinfeld's ex, Shoshanna Lonstein, had her bachelorette party in Vegas this weekend. The Word reports that it included a "cameo appearance by Ed McMahon" (which is vaguely disturbing). [The Word]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 03/04/03 04:26PM

· Michael Douglas' ex-wife Diandra on her ex's wedding picture fiasco with Hello!: "If you re going to do something as trashy and tacky as being in one of those magazines, you might as well donate it to a good cause." [Page Six]
· Ex-Post reporter Kyle Smith just sold a comedic novel to Harper Collins about the frazzled love life of a features editor at a very Post-like paper. [Page Six]
· Tina Brown says that if her talk show tanks, she can say "it was just a gas." [Page Six]
· Gore Vidal blasts the media's war coverage: "The media [have] never been more disgusting in my lifetime. Every lie out of Washingtonthey're out there doing war dances." [Page Six]
· David Gest and Liza Minelli celebrate one year of dysfunctional matrimony with 1,200 of their closest friends on March 16. [Liz Smith]
· 66 (Jean-Georges' new place) architect Richard Meier, when asked if he planned to autograph the walls: "Yes," [pointed toward a red sign near the ceiling] "My name is 'Exit.'" [NY Daily News]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 12/31/02 09:42AM

· Book Magazine explores Hunter S. Thompson's house; finds stun gun/cattle prod, dented stove, and pics of Charlotte Rampling. [Page Six]
· Liza Minelli caught "drunk and weepy" on tape at the Beekman Kitchen. Also spotted mumbling to herself "Minelli, get it together," at Ralph Lauren on Madison Avenue. [Page Six]
· The Kissingers, Carters, De La Rentas, and Corzines will be spending New Year's in the Dominican Republic. [Page Six]
· Newly divorced socialite Rena Sindi spotted frolicking in Cabo with new boyfriend, Israeli art dealer Tico Mugrabi, as well as Charlie Rose, Allen Grubman, and Berry Gordy. [Page Six]
· Peter Gatien's daughter, Jennifer, suffers from a broken nose after being accidentally hit by policemen, who claim she "hit herself in the face with her cell phone." [Page Six]
· Donald Trump planning to sue after Don Jr. gets beaned with a beer stein at a Greenwich Village comedy club; Harrison Ford says New Year's Eve is "bullshit;" and the campaign to bring the Oscars to New York is officially dead. [NY Daily News]

Christo wraps New York

Gawker · 12/20/02 04:00PM

Bulgarian artist Christowhose specialties include "wrapping," "draping," and "surrounding"is planning to wrap Central Park in 26 miles of saffron-colored fabric. We're pretty neutral on the Central Park project but we do have a few suggestions:

Apologies and non-apologies

Gawker · 12/16/02 01:39PM

NYT writer Joyce Purnick says it's the season for making apologies, and points out a few people that notably haven'tKissinger, for a rather convincing and long-running impersonation of the Prince of Darkness; the head of the MTA, for telling the mayor to "shut up,"introducing the "kindergarten sandbox" phase of the negotiations; and Mayor Mike for buying a $600 bike most New Yorkers can't afford. (She may have been grasping for straws on the last one. If he'd have bought a discount bike, someone would have complained that he was shortchanging local businesses more money, but we digress...)

Already-miserable people forced to endure Gest & Minelli

Gawker · 12/13/02 11:18AM

Michael Musto reports that homeless people at the Rescue Mission were recently subjected to David Gest and Liza Minelli, who (bless their little black hearts) were serving soup in front of a camera crew that we're sure "just happened" to be there.
La Dolce Musto [Village Voice]