
LIVE: V, Episode 8

Tim Luckey · 04/20/10 08:00PM

Last week they revealed just who John May was and how the Fifth Column came into existence. Ryan finally told the group that he was the one who killed John May but he regretted ever doing it.

LIVE: Breaking Bad Episode Five

Mary Shyne · 04/18/10 08:00PM

Last week, Walt confronted Ted the old-fashioned way: with a palm tree to shatterproof glass. Jesse jumped back into the meth game, paying for gas and cigarettes with a dimebag.

LIVE: Breaking Bad, Episode Four

Mary Shyne · 04/11/10 08:00PM

Did everybody catch the title of last week's episode? "I.F.T." Watch along with us tonight at 10 PM EST on AMC.

LIVE: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Christa Palmer · 04/09/10 07:00PM

Jamie makes a bet that he can teach 1,000 people to cook in one week. Will he win or lose? Will they be willing to cook what he wants to teach them?

LIVE: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Episode Three

Christa Palmer · 04/02/10 07:00PM

This week, Jamie moves his food train of redemption to a local high school. Will the students eat anything besides pizza? Also, he gets some students to secretly prepare a gourmet meal for local leaders.

Rock, Roll, Ridiculousness: The 2010 Grammys Liveblog

Foster Kamer · 01/31/10 07:30PM

Every year, all the people making the noises you'll hear again and again, and will continue to hear, for the rest of your life, everywhere, get together to jam. And we're rocking with 'em. This is your 2010 Grammy Liveblog.

Eliot, We Hardly Spitz Ye: The 2-Minute Resignation

Pareene · 03/12/08 10:44AM

NY1 is covering Governor Eliot Spitzer's drive from his apartment to his midtown office like the white Bronco chase. It is a glorious day for New York, and the nation. Spitzer was accompanied on the walk from his home to his motorcade by his wife and Ted Wells—disgraced former Bush administration official Scooter Libby's attorney in that Plame thing. Gawker contributor Jim Behrle suggests that Spitzer also ought to be fined for having his "black SUVs driving like dicks in the bus lane." The motorcade just arrived at Spitzer's office, so we shall report on the contents of soon-to-be-former Governor Eliot Spitzer's resignation speech as it happens, after the jump. Update: All done! Video of the speech and our INSTANT RESPONSE, after the jump.

Joshua David Stein · 01/08/08 11:44PM

MSNBC moderator Joe Scarborough just maybe accused voters of being racist!

Julia Allison Answers Your Questions, Evidently Not Your Prayers

Richard Lawson · 01/02/08 06:20PM

Famous television commentator and Gawker punching bag Julia Allison live blogged with us today! Okay, not so much "live blogged" as much as "dove into the swirling frenzy of commenting and tried to keep herself afloat." She was asked many questions about fame, shame, and what, if any, blame she should take for the current state of the union. Was the experiment a success? How relative is the term "success"? Who knows. But she got everyone riled up and that's got to count for something. We've sifted through her answers and come up with a handy list of 7 Things You Didn't Know About Julia Allison. Edification, mystification, and infuriation await you after the jump.

Goodbye, Old Chumley's

Joshua Stein · 04/05/07 03:09PM

This one hits close to the hearts and livers of many. Chumley's, the venerable West Village watering hole, is being demolished by the FDNY even as you read this. Good thing that last week's BookForum party got out alive! We recommend Curbed for the blow-by-blow.

Chuck Klosterman Questions Your Emotional Commitment To Hating Him

balk · 03/30/07 09:04AM

Chuck Klosterman, whose ample frame is caged in the world's thinnest skin, is angry at the Internets, perhaps because its denizens have begun to call bullshit on his increasingly tiresome shtick in ever-growing numbers. Dispatched to Atlanta to cover the Final Four, the man who makes a living telling you that, no, really, Stryper's To Hell With the Devil is the album that best captured the zeitgeist of the eighties, takes a few shots at the web.

Whole Foods Bowery 2007: Live Reportage

Josh · 03/29/07 08:03AM

As anyone who eats and/or lives below 14th street knows, today at 8:00 a.m. the Whole Foods Bowery will throw open its doors to the unwashed masses desirous of fresh produce and hoity-toity foodstuffs in aisles stretching toward infinity. Many predict a foodie riot when the doors open, as residents who have waited years, YEARS, for the opening clamor for a taste . I'm suiting up in my flak vest, and yuppie fatigues to check out the scene. Expect live updates via Blackberry, (stk is sld out, womn gves birth! LOL) after the jump!

Live-Blogging Maureen Dowd on 'Meet The Press'

Choire · 02/25/07 12:45PM

Times columnist and spinster Maureen Dowd showed up on NBC's Meet the Press this morning, the TV show where Very Important Things happen each week. Is she as sassily impish on TV as she is in newsprint?