
Get To Know America's Safest Cities [UPDATE]

Robert Kessler · 02/04/13 04:30PM

The annual list of America's safest cities has been updated by CQ Press and the country's most crime-free metropolitan areas have something in common: you probably haven't heard of most of them! So lets get to know these very safe cities: their history, their culture, what famous people have been there and the unique laws that keep these cities safe.

Movie Remakes That Improve Upon The Original Classics

Mallory Ortberg · 11/24/12 11:00AM

This is a time of year, you may have noticed, when many people choose to re-watch their favorite movies. It's a comforting tradition, certainly, and I'm very much in favor of watching movies repeatedly in a general sense, but there are times when I find myself wishing some of these classics, hampered as they are by oversights and missteps, could be fixed. Some of these changes are more realizable than others, but all are necessary. It afflicts my innate sense of justice to have to see the same glaring mistakes trotted out year after year, and I can remain silent no longer.

Here Are Some of the Better Lines From the New York Times' Sort of Funny Review of Guy Fieri's New Restaurant

Taylor Berman · 11/13/12 10:41PM

As you may have heard, noted food expert Guy Fieri opened a restaurant, the appropriately titled Guy's American Kitchen & Bar, in Times Square in September. From other reviews/common sense, we already know it's terrible. Nonetheless, Pete Wells, The New York Times' restaurant critic, decided to review it so we could learn the Times' Official Opinion. Consisting entirely of rhetorical questions directed at Fieri, the review is sort of funny. Here are some of the better lines/questions:

Seven Careers Full of People You Should Hate

Danny Gold · 02/14/12 12:15AM

Winter has finally hit, for real this time. It's cold. It's dark. Your New Year's resolutions have undoubtedly failed by now. You'll be spending yet another Valentine's Day alone. Don't despair. Let hate warm you up. Here's an arbitrary list of seven careers full of people you should hate.

A List of Things to Say to Sound as if You Understand the Super Bowl, Dummy

Emma Carmichael · 02/04/12 05:00PM

Not everyone knows football, and that's okay—even if you're an American. Everyone, though, is perfectly capable of sounding as if they might know a thing or two about football should the need arise. Here's what to yell at your TV and friends in order to sound like you maybe-kinda-sorta know what's going on this Sunday evening.

All the Year-End Listicles We Didn't Get Around to Writing in 2011

Maureen O'Connor · 12/30/11 01:45PM

The year-end listicle is a stressful affair. It's important: You are defining a moment in history. It's hard: You have to remember stuff that happened twelve whole months ago, which is multiple millennia in internet years. Finally, it has a strict deadline: If you procrastinate, then the work you've done will be rendered completely irrelevant at the stroke of midnight on January 1st.

Things I Hate About Christmas

Brian Moylan · 12/15/11 06:30PM

Christmas is probably my favorite time of the year. There are so many great things about it: candy canes, presents, family togetherness, days off work, drunken holiday parties, crappy Christmas movies on ABC Family, Rudolph! What's not to love? Actually there are a handful of things not to love, and here they are.