
The Laziest Journalists on Twitter

Ryan Tate · 12/08/09 10:00AM

Reporters everywhere are in love with "crowdsourcing," in which sources magically come to them, saving the reporters several backbreaking telephone calls. But some correspondents have gotten embarrassingly addicted to this journalistic crack cocaine. And it's time for a intervention.

Who'll Be Back for the Next Season of Mad Men?

Brian Moylan · 11/09/09 05:15PM

The Mad Men season finale left a real easy way to get rid of a whole bunch of cast members. So, who is going to leave this critically-acclaimed show for fame and fortune and who is here to stay?

Six Child Media Prodigies You Should Fear

Ryan Tate · 11/06/09 02:23PM

That 16-year-old TechCrunch writer with 120,000 Twitter followers, who we wrote about yesterday, is part of a burgeoning child punditocracy. Children are operating in virtually every facet media — and doing so successfully. Fear for your job.

Seven Halloween Costumes to Avoid

Brian Moylan · 10/20/09 04:53PM

There's only ten shopping days left before Halloween. So, it's time for Halloween costume listicles! Lots of people want to tell you what to wear. We'd like to spare you the humiliation of following their advice.

Barack Obama's New York Dining Guide

Brian Moylan · 10/20/09 03:07PM

Hey everyone, Barack Obama is having a late lunch at Craftsteak right now! It's the latest of the safe choices the president has made when dining out in our fair city. What do his dining choices say about him?

Barack Obama's Geekiest Moments

Brian Moylan · 09/17/09 03:38PM

The pictures of Barack Obama brandishing a lightsaber are making the rounds, but they shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows that Mr. President is the nerdiest man living outside of his mother's basement.

Five Ways YouTube Could Land You in Jail

Ryan Tate · 09/11/09 12:27PM

People have viewed more than 500,000 times Yazdani's 2007 daredevil stunt, in which he spray paints an LA freeway overpass from a narrow ledge. The viewers included sheriff's transit investigators, who nailed Yazdani for 32 felony vandalism counts out of hundreds in which they came to suspect him, according to the LA Times. He originally got off with time served, probation and graffiti removal duty, but he violated his probation this summer with more tagging, so now he's been sentenced to three years and eight months in prison, thanks to his YouTube-enabled criminal record.

The Year of Awkward Young Men

Natasha VC · 07/29/09 03:43PM

Leading men are dead. Who are the symbols of movie male virility in 2009? Gentle, sensitive, geeky male outsiders with a love of Lou Reed and snug hoodies! It's time to sack up and throw away the sweater vest.

Sarah Palin's Gradual Descent Into Incoherency

Pareene · 07/27/09 03:50PM

Remember how Sarah Palin graduated from her fiftieth college with a degree in communications? What the hell happened to addle this woman's mind so much that she can no longer form logical sentences? We went to the tapes to investigate.