
You Need a Window In Your Office or Else

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/14 04:05PM

Do you work in an office? Do you work in an office with harsh, artificial lighting? Do you know when you will die? Younger than you need to, I bet.

We Are One Step Closer to Light Sabers

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/13 03:26PM

You're on the internet, so I bet I know what you think is cool: light sabers! Like in Star Wars, your favorite movie. Well guess what? Scientists are actually working to make your ridiculous fantasy a reality.

We Really Hope You Like Extreme Weather, A Lot

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/11 04:35PM

Peanut butter! Speed weapon! Magic particles! Vacuum light! Extreme weather! Spray skin! Female voles! Squid mystery! And the lightest thing ever invented! It's your Friday Science Watch, where we watch science—to the extreme!

Piece of Plastic Magically Folds Itself Into a Box

Lauri Apple · 11/11/11 10:00AM

North Carolina State University professor Michael Dickey and his research team have devised a way to turn sheets of plastic into boxes and other shapes simply by applying heat to them. The discovery could completely revolutionize the origami industry.