
abalk · 08/14/07 01:51PM

Time to separate the Matt Coopers from the Judy Millers: "Five reporters must testify about their law enforcement sources in a former Army scientist's lawsuit against the Justice Department, a federal judge in Washington ruled yesterday.... The reporters — Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman of Newsweek; Allan Lengel of The Washington Post; Toni Locy, formerly of USA Today; and James Stewart, formerly of CBS News — have acknowledged receiving information from the Justice Department and the F.B.I. about Dr. Hatfill, the judge, Reggie B. Walton, wrote in his decision yesterday. But they have refused to name their sources." [NYT]

Annals Of Movie Marketing: Please Urinate On Our New Film

mark · 11/13/06 04:16PM

Universal's exhaustive research into underexploited marketing opportunities seems to have revealed that potential moviegoers demonstrate an impressive recall rate of their product when a disembodied voice delivers a pitch to the targeted consumer while he's engaged in an act of waste elimination, ensuring that our once-sacred urinal time is about to be as aggressively ad-riddled as the rest of our lives. Reports the Defamer Special Correspondent On What The Fuck, Can't I Even Take A Piss Without Hearing A Movie Ad Now? on the new campaign for Let's Go to Prison: