
Man Sues MillerCoors for Pretending Blue Moon Is a "Craft Beer"

Jay Hathaway · 05/01/15 05:05PM

A San Diego beer drinker is suing massive alcohol conglomerate MillerCoors, the second macro-est macrobrewer in the world (behind Anheuser-Busch Inbev), for false advertising because he’s been buying Blue Moon all these years, believing it was a “craft beer.” Did he actually drink any of it? Because that probably would have cleared things up pretty quick.

Jason Parham · 04/23/15 01:35PM

The family of Michael Brown has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city of Ferguson. Last August, an unarmed Brown was gunned down by Officer Darren Wilson, who is charged with using “an unnecessary and unreasonable amount of force in violation of [Brown’s] constitutionally guaranteed right to life.”

Bieber's Former Neighbor Sues Over Alleged Spitting Attack, Racial Slurs

Jay Hathaway · 03/20/15 09:15AM

Justin Bieber, transitioning into manhood before your very eyes on Comedy Central this month, won't be allowed to put his juvenile hooligan past behind him just yet. The former neighbor whose house Bieber famously egged is now suing him for an assault that allegedly took place two years ago.

Class Action Lawsuit Claims 50 Shades of Grey Lube Failed to Perform

Hudson Hongo · 02/08/15 01:30PM

Have you or someone you know been spanked, whipped or otherwise dominated by the deceptive marketing of 50 Shades of Grey-branded sex lube? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses, should one California woman's new lawsuit be successful.

Elderly Man Sues Kaiser for Completely Eroding His Dick

Jay Hathaway · 01/23/15 02:30PM

An elderly man claims his penis "completely eroded away" over the course of two weeks, far past the point where reconstructive surgery could have saved it, because Kaiser wouldn't let his nurses remove a catheter. He's suing the insurance company for refusing to end his painful ordeal and causing "permanent genital mutilation," Courthouse News reports.

Condé Nast Settles With 7,500 Underpaid Interns for $5.8 Million

J.K. Trotter · 11/13/14 05:45PM

Last year, two former interns at magazines owned by Condé Nast filed a class-action lawsuit against the company for underpaying them and thousands of other interns, in violation of labor law. According to recent court filings reported by Reuters, Condé intends to retroactively compensate the pair and over 7,000 other former interns in order to settle the legal dispute. The price tag: $5.8 million.