A former employee of accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers claimed Comcast got him fired from his job, and set an Oct. 14 deadline for the company to give him a full apology and a monetary settlement. He got a half-assed apology instead. So, two days after the deadline passed, he stuck to his word and filed a lawsuit.

Conal O'Rourke is going after Comcast and its controller, Lawrence Salva, for defamation, and arguing the company violated federal regulations with its poor service and overbilling.

In his complaint, O'Rourke alleges that Salva, a former partner at PWC, called up an executive at PWC's Philadelphia office and used Comcast's leverage as a major client to have O'Rourke investigated for "ethics violations" and ultimately fired.

O'Rourke says Comcast and Salva defamed him by telling his employer he threw PWC's name around on the phone in an attempt to get his Comcast service issues resolved—he claims he never told anyone at Comcast who he worked for, and he wants Comcast to release tapes and emails from his interactions with the controller's office prove it.

Oh, and about those service issues: O'Rourke's complaint also argues Comcast's mistreatment of him as a customer violated the Cable Communications Policy Act, and lists some particularly egregious examples:

Comcast habitually misspelled Mr. O'Rourke's name as Mr. O'Kourke, making it difficult for him to receive his Comcast bills in a timely fashion, because the postal service would fail to deliver them. Ultimately, Mr. O'Rourke convinced the postal service to deliver mail to him that was addressed to "Mr. O'Kourke," after he was unable to convince Comcast to even correct the spelling of his name.

In addition to Comcast's continual failure to address Mr. O'Rourke's billing issues, in late November or early December of 2013, when Mr. O'Rourke was out of town, Comcast shipped Mr. O'Rourke twelve random pieces of Comcast equipment. Comcast then proceeded to charge Mr. O'Rourke almost $2,000 in fees for equipment that he had neither requested nor wanted.

When he tried to get help with these issues, he says, Comcast sent him to collections. That's when he took his complaint directly to the controller, and allegedly lost his job as a result. He says he never received a single correct bill in the entire year he was a Comcast customer.

Although O'Rourke originally said he would sue to get his job back, the complaint simply asks for legal fees and damages—i.e., the lost wages from the six months he's been unemployed—and an injunction stopping The Worst Company in America from overbilling customers.

Good luck with that last part.

Update: Here's Comcast's response, sent to me via email:

"We don't normally comment on pending litigation and as we have said, there were clear deficiencies in the customer service that we delivered to Mr. O'Rourke. Comcast had nothing to do with PricewaterhouseCoopers' decision to terminate Mr. O'Rourke. Once again, we apologize to Mr. O'Rourke for his service issues. We said we were determined to get to the bottom of exactly what happened with Mr. O'Rourke's service and we are doing that. As part of this investigation, we have listened to recorded calls between Mr. O'Rourke and our customer service representatives and his treatment of them and his language is totally unspeakable. Mr. O'Rourke's claims are without merit."