
Celebrating David Letterman's Irrelevance After 30 Years on Television

Drew Magary · 02/01/12 06:45PM

David Letterman celebrates 30 years in late-night television tonight. Chances are, though, that you aren't gonna be watching the anniversary episode—especially if you're under the age of 50. It's been a long, long time since David Letterman mattered all that much.

Watch Sandra Lee Ruin Thanksgiving Dinner with Jimmy Fallon

Matt Cherette · 11/24/11 02:02AM

Even though New York First Mistress Sandra Lee is forever partial to Halloween—if you don't know why, do yourself a favor and click here to find out—she still made time to visit tonight's Late Night and prepare a Thanksgiving meal with Jimmy Fallon. And by "Thanksgiving meal," I mean "a gross-looking Bailey's martini and some cornbread stuffing with a can of Campbell's chicken rice soup in it," among other monstrosities. Aunt Sandy, God love her.

Jimmy Fallon and Brian Williams Slow Jam the Latest Occupy Wall Street News

Matt Cherette · 10/28/11 01:33AM

Brian Williams occasionally stops off at Late Night to slow jam the news with Jimmy Fallon. Since Rock Center, Williams' new primetime show, debuts on Monday and he wouldn't want anyone out there to forget to tune in, God forbid, he paid a visit to Fallon tonight to add some suave sexiness to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Watch them make the musical magic happen—and struggle to remember the name of Kim Kardashian's husband—above.

Jimmy Fallon Helps Samuel L. Jackson Tweet for the First Time

Matt Cherette · 10/12/11 01:11AM

Samuel L. Jackson registered a Twitter account more than two years ago, but never bothered to send out a single tweet. Then today, followers of @SamuelLJackson were greeted with a tweet that read, "Can-a muh fukkasay fuck on here?" Anyone wondering why Jackson decided to start tweeting today got their answer on tonight's Late Night: It was all thanks to Jimmy Fallon.

Conan O'Brien Surprises Jimmy Fallon on Late Night

Matt Cherette · 10/06/11 03:17AM

Conan O'Brien returned to NBC, and the studio he occupied for 16 years as host of Late Night, on Wednesday when he paid Jimmy Fallon an on-air visit. But as you'll see in this clip, O'Brien wasn't there for nostalgia's sake. He'd come to take back Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, even though his settlement with NBC prevents him from using the character anywhere else.

Emma Stone Abandoned Facebook After Becoming Addicted to FarmVille

Matt Cherette · 08/12/11 03:14AM

Emma Stone has had three movies come out in as many weeks, so naturally she's been on just about every talk show imaginable recently. You'd think she's run out of interesting anecdotes by now, but Stone's interview with Jimmy Fallon on tonight's Late Night was actually kind of adorable. Watch Stone discuss her paranoid fear of Twitter and the FarmVille addiction that forced her to delete her Facebook account in the clip above.

Here's Snooki Dry Heaving at the Mention of The Situation's Name

Matt Cherette · 08/11/11 03:34AM

Snooki graced Jimmy Fallon with her busty orange glow on tonight's Late Night. At the end of the interview, Fallon asked the Jersey Shore star about The Situation's claims during last week's show that he had a sexual relationship with her and she pretended to vomit. "He took my friendship as a wrong way, you know? Yeah, he got a little too creepy."

Jimmy Fallon's Apple Orchard Away from Home

Richard Lawson · 06/24/11 10:42AM

Late Night can-do kid Jimmy Fallon has found success on television, and with that comes lots of money. Lots of money to buy vacation houses! Vacation houses like this $5.7 million Sagaponack home/apple orchard that he is said to be closing on.

Stephen Colbert Starts an Emmys Feud with Jimmy Fallon

Matt Cherette · 06/01/11 11:21PM

On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert lamented the fact that he always loses to The Daily Show at the Emmys before giving viewers a peek at all the networks' screener packages. To his dismay, Colbert discovered that NBC was using his image in the screener for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon—so he decided to get some revenge.

Watch Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Crash Jimmy Fallon's Jersey Shore Parody

Matt Cherette · 05/06/11 01:56AM

From time to time on Late Night, Jimmy Fallon graces us with 'Jersey Floor,' his 30 Rock-set Jersey Shore parody. And while any installment is worth watching, tonight's offering—featuring cameos by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as skanky stalkers who tussle with Rachel Dratch's Snooki—was pretty much perfect.

Elton John to Kings of Leon: 'What the Hell Is Wrong with You Guys?'

Matt Cherette · 04/01/11 01:09AM

On tonight's Late Night, Elton John stopped by for a chat with Jimmy Fallon. When the topic of John's songs being covered—on American Idol, for example—came up, he celebrated it, while simultaneously bashing "assholes" Kings of Leon.

Watch Gayle King Accidentally Walk Into a Wall on Late Night

Whitney Jefferson · 03/31/11 01:30PM

When Oprah's BFF appeared on Jimmy Fallon's late-night show, she had a bit of a malfunction when she knocked into the wall during her entrance. She admits to trying "to play it off like I was just dancing" as soon as her interview started.

See American Idol's Casey Abrams Go Crazy With Product Endorsement

Whitney Jefferson · 03/31/11 12:25PM

During last night's Late Night, Jimmy Fallon donned a wig and a fake beard and added another impression to his collection—that of Idol's Casey Abrams. In the sketch, Fallon plays a desperate Abrams trying to cash in on his 15 minutes.

Liv Tyler and Jimmy Fallon Dig Up Their Old Star Search Audition Tape

Whitney Jefferson · 03/30/11 10:10AM

Last night on Late Night, Liv Tyler and Jimmy Fallon debuted this "lost tape" from a Star Search audition. Known as "Pleather and Lace" at the time, their terrible-sounding, awkward performance is made up for by their fantastic matching outfits.

Stephen Colbert Pops Up on Late Night to Challenge Jimmy Fallon

John Trowbridge · 03/29/11 08:50AM

On Late Night, Stephen Colbert (Jimmy's BFF for 6 months) came on to confront Jimmy and explain why he offered $26,000 of Fallon's money to charity. Jimmy countered and stated that if he raises the money, Stephen Colbert will sing "Friday" by Rebecca Black on Fallon!

Watch Jimmy Fallon Complain About President Obama to Brian Williams

Matt Cherette · 03/23/11 12:34AM

On tonight's Late Night, best guest ever Brian Williams stopped by for a chat with Jimmy Fallon. When the subject of conversation switched to Libya, Fallon got uncharacteristically angry/political and began bashing President Obama and his lack of communication.

Fallon Takes a Few Suggestions

John Trowbridge · 03/22/11 10:20AM

On Late Night, Jimmy took some suggestions to make the show more efficient. The suggestions included: an old mac computer (the kind in Zoolander), the youngest stand up comic (Danny "See you in hell!" Farrison), and Weird Al Roker.