
Bill Hader and Seth Meyers Remember Their Teary SNL Goodbye

Aleksander Chan · 09/16/14 08:10AM

Bill Hader stopped by to chat with his old pal Seth Meyers on Late Night last night, where the two reminisced on their weepy SNL parting and the faux Stefon-Seth wedding. Known as a character primarily comprised of Hader breaking into laughter, he explained that the reason Stefon always put his hands up to his face was because the way Meyers would respond to the character made him laugh, too. "A person being patient with an insane person is my favorite thing in the world," he said.

Jimmy Fallon's Show Finds Way to Get More Annoying

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 04:26PM

Between permanently kidnapping The Roots and producing the god damn endless popular cover song medleys that every god damn asshole wants to share with you on Facebook, you might have thought that mop-headed giggler Jimmy Fallon's show had reached Peak Irksomeness. Wrong!

Your Guide to Attending (and Surviving) Mid-Week Midnight Premieres

Leah Beckmann · 05/04/12 03:15PM

Last night I attended a midnight showing of the Avengers. I'm not particularly into the Marvel movies (never even saw The Hulk or Thor, so sue me), but it was a friend's birthday and it sounded fun and I thought, Hey I'm fun, I'm young. Sure I'll go.

Lindsay Lohan Begged Lorne Michaels to Let Her Host SNL

Matt Toder · 03/02/12 01:13AM

Lindsay Lohan is hosting Saturday Night Live this week and stopped by Jimmy Fallon's show to make sure everyone knows about it. Before reminiscing about the classic Debbie Downer sketch that they all giggled through during her first hosting appearance, Lohan talked about how she ended up doing the show this time around. Turns out, she hounded Lorne Michaels until he said yes.

The Most Memorable Moments from David Letterman's 30 Years on TV: A Video Compilation

Matt Toder · 02/01/12 09:15PM

Tonight David Letterman celebrates 30 years on the air. It's been quite a ride for old Dave, through different timeslots and networks, from the peak of zeitgeist to something else entirely. He's hosted starlets and politicians, often treating them with a dash of anger and more than a bit of sarcasm. Here are some of the most memorable moments from his time on television.