
The Plan to Blame Unions For Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/11 11:40AM

Why is our economy in the predicament that it's in today? High unemployment, sluggish growth...who's to blame? The unions, of course. The unions are the enemies of the working man. The working class must destroy unions for their own good.

Scandal: Labor Board Sympathetic to Labor

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/10 04:48PM

The Way We Live Now: grossly violating the rights of unaccountable stateless corporations. Things have gotten so bad that even organized labor has found a safe harbor. Fortunately, a sea of bubbles is coming, to sweep us all away.

Is iPad Stress Driving Factory Workers to Suicide?

Ryan Tate · 04/08/10 11:07AM

In one month, four workers have attempted suicide at the Chinese factory Apple hires to make products like the iPad. Why? It's a mystery, but it's also easy to make some educated guesses about what's got workers going nuts.

Apple Only Wants 16+ Year-Olds Working Its Dodgy Sweatshops

Ryan Tate · 03/01/10 02:13PM

Apple products are made in factories that regularly employ young teenagers, constantly work people more than 60 hours per week, and falsify records to cover up their misdeeds. That's according to the shameless gossiping muckrakers at... uh, Apple Inc.

Labor Troubles at 5WPR?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/09 09:46AM

We're hearing from several sources that 5WPR, the PR firm of our friend Ronn [sic] Torossian, was raided by the Labor Department yesterday. Anyone who was there at the time care to share details? Email us. We'll keep you anonymous.