
Owen Thomas · 09/18/07 03:35PM

Is Zooomr, Kris Tate's Flickr copycat, on the rocks? Tate seems to think so: "I'm working my ass off like you can't believe in Japan. If Japan doesn't go anywhere, you can kiss Zooomr good-bye. Americans don't care about photos like the Japanese — by embracing Japan's economy, we can save Zooomr financially." [Zooomr]

Photo site shares NSFW images

Owen Thomas · 08/24/07 12:57PM

I've always wondered what kind of people use Zooomr, the also-ran photo-sharing site run by underaged and reportedly credit-deprived developer Kris Tate. Apparently, people who feel they've got something to share with the rest of the world. Something very personal, and something they're attached to. Intimately. Recent visitors to the site's "Discover" page were greeted by a collage of images that included some unpleasant and definitely not safe for work contributions. If you're easily shocked, move along now. But if you're curious to see what Tate apparently considers acceptable on his "No Limits Photo Sharing" site, click through to the jump.

Who's going to chow down on Zooomr?

Owen Thomas · 07/06/07 12:38PM

Word around town is that Zooomr, the photo-sharing website run by bitchy photographer Thomas Hawk and underage entrepreneur Kris Tate, is getting acquisition offers — but Hawk and Tate don't like the cut-rate prices their cut-rate Flickr knockoff is commanding. Getty Images, Yahoo, and AOL are among the companies that have lowballed the startup, according to a source. One sign that Zooomr may, indeed, be entertaining offers: Tate's fantasies, aired in line at the Palo Alto Apple Store, that he's worth $3 million. Anyone else hear what Zooomr's trying to get — and what it's actually going for? (Photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid)

That and $500 will get you an iPhone

Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 03:51PM

Ah, Silicon Valley: One moment, you're worth $3 million; the next, you can't even afford an iPhone. That's the situation Zooomr founder Kris Tate found himself in last week. A tipster who was on the scene expands on our earlier report that Tate's credit card was declined at the Palo Alto Apple Store as he tried to buy the must-have geek toy. Moments before, the tipster says, Tate was bragging about his net worth. The eyewitness account, after the jump.

Rich kid gets declined at the iPhone counter

Nick Douglas · 06/29/07 08:51PM

What happens if you've stayed in line all night and day for an iPhone, and your credit gets declined? What if you also happen to be Kris Tate, 20-year-old founder of the startup Zooomr and one of the Internet webtard crowd constantly updating the world about waiting to buy the $500 surrogate vagina (have you seen how you enlarge photos on that thing?). What if it all happens on live video? A fellow nerd relays the scene.