What happens if you've stayed in line all night and day for an iPhone, and your credit gets declined? What if you also happen to be Kris Tate, 20-year-old founder of the startup Zooomr and one of the Internet webtard crowd constantly updating the world about waiting to buy the $500 surrogate vagina (have you seen how you enlarge photos on that thing?). What if it all happens on live video? A fellow nerd relays the scene.

"So Kristopher Tate walks in, just after [giddy geek-boy Robert] Scoble, streaming live over Ustream, asks for 2 iPhones, puts them on the counter, gives them his credit card and goes through all the formality, tense waiting, then BANG, credit card declined. He then tried to buy just one phone, then tries another card — they are all franticly checking and double-checking his address, details, etc. to no avail.

[Paternal Zooomr CEO Andy Peterson, also known as] Thomas Hawk steps in to save Kris, but then one Apple staffer says that they can't do it because the limit is two. The other guy eventually lets them get away with it and Kris walks out with an iPhone after 15 very tense minutes (and holding everybody else up). I couldn't have hoped for a better climax to all the shit that was going on down there and 48 hours of listening to those guys."

Almost as good as getting thrown out of line for public drunkenness (TV said it happened in Burlingame — who's got video?).

Photo of Kris and the Scobles: Thomas Hawk

Update: Photo removed because Thomas, according to an e-mail, would "prefer not to have my imagery associated with your publication." Plus he left that one copyrighted and I hadn't noticed. But to make up for this content loss, see Thomas's comments below about my failed video show!

Also: I like Kris, Thomas is a good guy who sometimes does things that seem dumb to me, and puppies and rainbows and happy!

And: Just realized that the "blockquote" formatting element is broken or something, so it wasn't obvious that this story is quoted from a tipster. Added quotes. OKAY I THINK THIS STORY IS OVER NOW.