
How to Land an Interview With Charles Koch

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/14 05:00PM

Evil cartoon villain Charles Koch, one half of the Amazing Billionaire Koch Bros., does not give a lot of interviews. You can hardly find a photo of the guy. But one outlet has landed a coveted Charles Koch interview "get"—the Wichita Business Journal. How did they do what so many other news outlets could not?

The Secret Misspelled Comeback Plan of America's Creepiest Lobbyists

Adam Weinstein · 12/03/13 04:09PM

The American Legislative Exchange Council, beloved play-toy of conservative financiers like the Koch brothers and purveyor of controversial gun-rights legislation, is scurrying to woo back lost members and cover financial shortfalls, internal documents show.

If the Koch Brothers Want to Pay Too Much for Newspapers, Let Them

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/13 01:58PM

Evil corporatist archconservative billionaires the Koch brothers are considering making a bid to buy several big newspapers from the Tribune Co., including the LA Times and the Chicago Tribune. Unions and liberal politicians are justifiably alarmed by this prospect. They're trying to pressure the shareholders not to sell to the Kochs. Here's another, perhaps more productive idea: let the Kochs buy that crap.

Koch Brothers Interested in Buying Newspapers Across the Country

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/21/13 11:35AM

The Koch brothers, billionaire funders of the Tea Party and libertarian all-stars, are reportedly interested in buying several newspapers across the country, including the The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, and The Orlando Sentinel. They might also be exploring the possibility of buying Hoy, the second-largest Spanish-language daily newspaper in the United States.

Now Koch Industries Is Telling Employees Who to Vote For

Taylor Berman · 10/14/12 11:21PM

Just a week after Westgate Resorts CEO David Siegel wrote a partially plagiarized letter threatening to fire employees if they voted for Obama, now comes news that Koch Industries is taking a similar approach by using its position as a major employer to influence elections. According to an In These Times report, the Koch-owned Georgia Pacific sent a packet to its 45,000 employees earlier his month. The packet included a cover letter from Koch Industries President and Chief Operating Officer Dave Robertson which reads, in part:

The Koch Brothers Are Advertising Their Anti-Journalism Site on Pro-Journalism Sites

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/12 02:05PM

Cartoon-villain Republican billionaires David and Charles Koch hate the (non-right wing) press, because the press tends to point out the various villainous activities of the Koch brothers. The Kochs waged an extensive campaign to discredit Jane Mayer's 2010 New Yorker story about them. Like many despised corporations, Koch Industries set up its own PR website, KochFacts.com, to try to counter the "dishonest reporting" of various news outlets.

Herman Cain: 'I Am the Koch Brothers' Brother from Another Mother!'

Jim Newell · 11/04/11 02:44PM

Americans for Prosperity, the conservative group f(o)unded by that cartoonish industrial tycoon tandem known as the Koch brothers, is having a little conference in Washington this weekend called "Defending the American Dream." Herman Cain, whose campaign is essentially a wing of Americans for Prosperity, gave a big speech there today! Did he try to play down his Koch ties? Not exactly. "'I am the Koch brothers' brother from another mother!" he blared out, twice. American Dream = Defended.

Koch Bros' Group Being Completely Evil Ahead of Wisconsin Recall

Jim Newell · 08/01/11 04:22PM

Americans for Prosperity, the political action group funded by right-wing billionaires Charles and David Koch, is patriotically mailing out absentee ballot applications for the upcoming Wisconsin recall elections against Republican state senators. But guess what? The registration forms that AFP has been sending out have... the wrong ballot submission date! Good heavens, how could they miss such a "typo"?

Feds Hunt for Anonymous Hackers Who Crashed Toilet Paper Website

Adrian Chen · 07/26/11 05:29PM

The evil, teaparty-funding Koch Brothers do not appreciate their websites being bombarded by hackers. The FBI is targeting people possibly connected to a February Anonymous attack on Koch Industries websites, including a brutal assault on their powerful bathroom tissue manufacturing arm.

Koch Brothers to Democrats: Stop Asking us For Money

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 01:42PM

Koch Industries, the wealthy industrial corporation run by right-wing activist billionaires David and Charles Koch, recently got a standard-issue voicemail solicitation from Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee chair Sen. Patty Murray, asking for money. A simple "no, sorry" wouldn't suffice. The company's PR chief had to publish an arch letter condemning Murray for hypocrisy, along with a recording of her voicemail.

Pranksters Triumph Over Koch Brothers

Adrian Chen · 05/10/11 01:30PM

Last December, pranksters set up a spoofed website for Koch Industries, America's largest producer of crude evil, and sent out a boring fake press release claiming they were reforming their climate-destroying ways. The super-sensitive billionaire conservative Koch brothers promptly sued them for a bunch of bullshit like "infringement of trademark" and "unfair competition." (Didn't know the Kochs were getting into the spoofing-themselves biz.)

Koch Industries Cannot Buy Decent PR Advice

Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/11 09:52AM

Koch Industries is—and we say this strictly in the spirit of presenting their prevalent public image in an unfiltered manner—an evil mysterious Death Star-like conglomerate controlled by two unimaginably wealthy unaccountable right-wing billionaire brothers, who are evil. The Koch brothers have made news recently for hosting a secret conservative conclave to plot who-knows-what, and for harassing journalists. They're also suing a group of pranksters who issued a fake Koch press release. Today, the NYT gave the company a chance to defend itself in the court of public opinion. Anddddd....