
Meet a 12-Year-Old Ping-Pong Ball Sensation

Blair Baxter · 03/22/11 09:00PM

This kid is only 12 years and old and he can throw a ping pong ball in a cup like nobodies business. He is going to be the hardest rushed freshman on his college campus and the future beer pong campion of the world.

Baby's First Swear Word

Matt Cherette · 03/17/11 10:24PM

Do you remember your first word? I can't recall mine, though I do know that my little sister's was "Duck." For baby Ellie—the star of this video—however, her utterance is a bit more... ah, f*ck it, just watch.

Zach Galifianakis Interviews Children for an Assistant Position on SNL

Matt Cherette · 03/13/11 12:41AM

Tonight, Zach Galifianakis followed up his show-stopping Saturday Night Live monologue with an equally funny digital short, during which he interviewed several children for an assistant position. Which one of the little tykes landed the gig? Watch and find out.

Little Kid Cries Hysterically Over Toy Story's Rex

Preksha Kumar · 03/11/11 01:45PM

A talking and walking green dinosaur can be unexpectedly traumatic, as this kid demonstrates. Curiously, he seems captivated by the toy, even if it makes him uncontrollably bawl. Let's just hope he doesn't encounter a mirror.

Five-Year-Old Make Up Queen Belongs on HSN

Marisa Gladstone · 03/10/11 10:40AM

Here's 5-year-old Madison giving us a make-up tutorial, noting her favorite kinds of brushes, lotions, and Hello Kitty powders as she goes along. If the Home Shopping Network is looking for a new and adorable sales representative, look no further.

Kids React to Popular YouTube Stars

Lisa Gagliardi · 03/07/11 10:15AM

We know kids tell it like it is, so the Fine Brothers gathered a group of kids to get their take on some of today's notable YouTube stars.

Children Are Being Overindulged When it Comes to Haircuts

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/11 12:35PM

Regular haircuts not good enough for your toddler? Does your unemployed, penniless, pooping child refuse to enter any salon that does not feature "trendy designer haircuts, hair styling (think spray-on hair color and hair tinsel) and kiddo-friendly beauty services, including funky nail design and glitter tattoos"?

Guy Rocket Launches Little Girl With Help From Air Mattress

Lisa Gagliardi · 03/03/11 12:25PM

A fun 'ride' turned almost scary when this man catapulted a young girl a little too high in the air leaving her to land half off the mattress. The kids, of course not being phased, were ready for more.