
Today Investigates High School Hug Madness

Pareene · 05/28/09 10:59AM

Oh, good, Today covered the teenage hug menace. "High school hugging has turned into a cultural phenomenon, studied by sociologists, and written about in The New York Times." A phenomenon studied by bullshit pseudo-scientists and written up as a trend in the Times? Hugs are the new hipster farms!

The Lamest Teen Moral Panic Ever

Pareene · 05/28/09 09:46AM

In the good old days of the culture wars, your teenagers, after years of being raped by Satanist daycare workers, were all organizing "Rainbow Parties" and smoking weed three times more powerful than the stuff you smoked all the time in high school. Now they are just hugging?

Coachella: An Illustrated Nightmare

Pareene · 04/20/09 05:37PM

This weekend, a bunch of lame kids saw a bunch of lame bands (and a couple good ones) out in the desert. We thought we'd try to figure out what the deal is with a little trip through Flickr.

Let Us Consider The NYU Twerps

Pareene · 02/19/09 04:28PM

What leads kids from urban-suburban/indie music settings to get their SDS on and "take over" a cafeteria with a list of demands? Should we mock them, or pity them? Well, we should mock them, yes.

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Pareene · 12/05/08 11:16AM

Hey, an Onion story came true. All these kids who became activists this year and spent hours volunteering to get Barack Obama elected? Now they have no purpose in life, and they are confused and adrift. 13 million email addresses and hundreds of thousands of trained volunteers, and nothing for them to do. These kids were trained in activism by political campaign, and post-election, the campaign has no use for them. Sad, really. Community organizers are disappointed.

New Rose Kennedy Schlossberg Photos Tell Shocking Tale Of Smoking, Drinking, Famous College Student

Richard Lawson · 10/29/08 02:36PM

Two whole years have hurried their way by since last we saw "scandalous" images of Rose Kennedy Schlossberg, daughter of Caroline Kennedy and granddaughter of John Fitzgerald. Back in 2006, our former sister site Wonkette posted wine 'n hookah partaking photos of the then-18, Obama-supporting Harvard student (hello, past Pareene!) Now, in the still of the afternoon, someone has sent us more photos, from sources unknown! In which the heiress to the great mantle of the American Democratic Party gets jiggy in various poses! Some are dated from two years ago, others are not dated at all. Cobble together your own timeline, as we've gone against Luke Russert's wishes and posted a gallery after the jump.

How Tao Lin Made A Quick Twelve Grand Selling A Novel He Hasn't Written!

Moe · 08/22/08 03:01PM

Tired? Poor? Starting to wonder if you'll be a creative underclassman forever? Sick of feeling like the answer to the question "What do you?" is "Self-loathingly ask 'What do you do' at increasingly low-budget social events I used to think were the 'fun' part of doing this job?" Break the cycle! India, law school, teaching yoga… don't think it couldn't happen to you!

What Not To Do When Anna Wintour Falls On Her Face

Moe · 08/15/08 04:01PM

Shortly after hearing the scuttlebutt (yeah) yesterday about the summer intern who took her new TV network employers and shat all over them (no literally shat all over them) yesterday we put a call out to some of our most cherished sources for "nightmare intern" stories that might gratuitously expand upon the "Kids today: My they are insubordinate and entitled in just that infuriatingly unabashed way that will probably totally work in their favor!" meme. And wow, did the stories we heard totally play to our stereotypes in ways we could not even ourselves imagine! But they also helped to contour our cartoonish notions of "clueless lazy entitled youth" with hints of "well, their parents' generation is obviously to blame"-ism. Take the case of this hapless Vogue-ette!

Family Blogger Struggles With Privacy Concerns, Posts Family Photos to Internet

Pareene · 07/01/08 01:02PM

Yes it's fine to post a photo of your adorable child on Flickr, why not? The dangers are: a) perverts will get off on these photos, b) predators will, who knows, decide to kidnap your adorable child because she is soooo cute on the internet, or c) your child will be targeted for online abuse by bloggers somewhere, for some reason. The first two are bullshit. Perverts will masturbate to everything, who cares. You are more likely to abuse your child than a stranger. And finally, as we've tried to explain, all this online abuse of innocent kids is actually directed at their over-sharing parents. So rest easy, Wall Street Journal mommyblogger! Or, like, make the pictures friends-only, as your friends have suggested. Either one. Christ. [WSJ]